September 13, 2023

I am tired.......


See all that tsoureki?  We made the dough, waited awhile for it to rise, braided it, egg washed it, put sesame seeds on it, baked them, put them on racks to cool, then put them all in bags and stuffed them in the freezer.  Sounds easy, doesn't it?  

I arrived at the hall at 7:10am so that I could get things ready, like make coffee, pull out the large bowls we use for the dough, make sure we had all the spices out.  

The head baker had a baby shower for her daughter, so she couldn't come.  She would not loan me her keys to all the various closets for supplies.  Of course we forgot a few things......scales to measure out the portions of dough, fans (for cooling the bread, unless you want to wait another hour, lol), twist ties for the bags.  In the meantime, two of the ovens weren't working.  I forgot to get salad to go with the lunch one of our bakers made.  

Worst of all, the racks, which are pictured above, were stacked to the gills with cookies and other stuff.  We had to pull out the carts out, remove all the crap from the two racks and roll them out into the hall ~ made worse knowing that at the end of the day we would have to roll them back in and put all the crap back on. 

In the meantime, I washed a million dishes, swept out the closet, washed a few more dishes, tried to start the other ovens ~ that we don't use unless the "good" ones aren't working.  I know there's a lot of other things I did, and when I left a 4pm I was totally exhausted.  The worst part is that we are going to do this all over again this Saturday.  I am not looking forward to it.  

I will be glad when the baking is over.  I am really sick of doing it two afternoons a week.  And here I was so happy that I could help out after I retired.  Stupid.

In other news, I finally rented the car for when I go to the reunion, and visit with my sis.  It will be so good to go out of town.  I need a little break!!  Even if it's still hot, I will be happy to see family and hang out.  

Love, 365

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