March 6, 2025

It's never ever going to end.......

Zoe-Zoe (which is what I call her most of the time), disgusted with the orange buffoon, decides to take a nap.  And hopefully dream of chasing bunnies.

Yes, I am still working.  I should have been done a week ago.  I really didn't want to be there when the new office integrated into ours ~ with very little notice to their patients, which just adds....well, you know what it adds.  Starts with an f and rhymes with chicanery.  One of the docs asked if I could help out with training the new front desk person.  I said yes, but that I would have to leave every day by 2.  He was ok with that ~ that's how desperate he is for more help right now.  So I go in at 8, and work straight through until 2 (eating lunch at my desk) and then run out the door.  It has turned into data entry more than training.  We can't just simply combine their schedule with ours, at least not without having no computer for at least 4 days, and be ok with losing some of the data.  We just can't do that.  So now what I do is answer her questions about our dental program, and put their patients into our schedule.  

I haven't looked at how far ahead their schedule goes.  Right now I'm on April 1.  Seriously, I can't do this long enough to get it all in.  So my plan is to kick butt next week and see how far I can get.  If I can get through June, I'm going to hang it up.  If I can get that far, then the existing staff can enter it in during the time they normally gossip and drink coffee (which admittedly isn't happening much right now).

I should be able to earn enough money doing this gig to buy Romeo a new computer.  He wasn't able to download the tax program because he isn't able to update his computer anymore.  I want to do it on the sly and give it to him as a surprise gift.  Mainly because I don't want to get roped into doing our taxes every year.  

~ I just typed a sentence that started with "I'm not doing this for more than 2 more weeks" but erased it, since I started this with "I should be done by now". Ha ha

A couple of days this week we've had lots of wind and dust storms.  You can't drive anywhere without having tumble weeds rolling across the road.  And it's nasty being out in a dust storm.  I had an errand I was going to do after work today, but I nixed it in favor of trying tomorrow.  The past 12 months have not seen much moisture.  As I was sitting at an intersection, I could see dirt being blown into the air.  

Have a great weekend!  I'm ready!

Love, 365


February 16, 2025

Two weeks and counting.......


Happy Valentines Day!

Apparently I have resting mad bird face, lol.

They are so cute, but this is an accurate depiction of walking with Zoē.  Really.  

Work update (besides the hint of two weeks left).....the construction people are supposed to finish everything up by yesterday (Saturday).  I certainly hope that is true, because we are all tired of our non-employees drilling, painting, sanding, vacuuming, hanging around chatting, taking up patient parking spots in our tiny parking lot.  Making a mess in the break room.  Please, just GO AWAY.  

I guess I'll find out on Tuesday.  It is my 4 day weekend, and I am catching up on chores, and bread baking, removing dog turds from the back yard.  It kind of feels normal. 

Since we work 4 days a week, I only have 8 more days to go, and one more paycheck. Some of my coworkers asked if I was ready to come back full time, and the answer is always no.  Nope.  Nada. Oxi (which is Greek for no, and pronounced ohee), nil (Irish for no).....well, I could go on and on, but you get the gist.

I heard on Thursday that beginning on March 3rd, they are incorporating another dentist's practice.  The dentist is retiring (surprisingly I know this dentist because he goes to my church).  I just want to say that I am so happy that I won't be there for that.  It is going to be chaotic for at least 2-3 weeks, then it will be awkward, because of the vastly different personalities (because I also know one of the hygienists that is coming from the other office ~ she also goes to my church).  When I say vastly different personalities, I mean a chasm.  

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!  

Love, 365

January 29, 2025

4 more weeks to go.......


This is a photo of the dental offices new building.  

I am working during their move.  I thought it would be "fun".  I haven't been this wrong in quite awhile.  

They were supposed to move at the end of October ~ then the end of November ~ (you guess it) then the end of December.  The dentists finally said enough and told the contractors they are moving in at the end of January.  I went over to the new office on Monday and was horrified.  They are still doing electrical work, plumbing, painting, installing doors...and probably other things I have forgotten.  As I looked around I thought that there is a snowballs chance in hell all this will be done in one week.  And we're supposed to see patients too.  Nope.  I can't see it.  I hope I am wrong, because both of the docs are super stressed out over all the setbacks.  I suggested to the OM that we cancel the hygiene appointments for Monday, but she said we can't because there's no where to put them.  Really?  That's your big worry?  Hmmmmmm

I am not stressed, but bored.  After packing stuff up (which took only about 5 hours) there's nothing much else to do.  The phone barely rings, but that is because the patients know we're moving.  The OM keeps trying to suggest we all come late and leave early. The only issue I have with that is I need to earn that $$ for my trip.  I do try to find ways to be productive though.   I am so ready to be retired again.  I never missed working.  I know there are those that really loved their jobs, and miss them.  Not me.  I feel I've earned the opportunity to do what I want with my time, and life is too short. 

I did get my new carry-on (which looked so incredibly small), and had a practice session on packing it.  Thankfully it went very well...hopefully I will be able to lift it into the overhead.  Right now it's 16 pounds, but I didn't put everything in.  Just wanted to see if I could fit my clothes and knickers in and have room for the other stuff.  

Tomorrow is the last day of work for the week.  I assume we are taking packed stuff over to the new office.  We also need to confirm the patients for Monday, as Friday is the day the computers and phones are to be moved over.  Fingers crossed.  

Love, 365

January 12, 2025

Happy Anniversary to us, and to Peg and Rick :-)


Our anniversary (the first one, lol) is Dec. 1.  We rarely remember it.  It occurred to me a week later, and Romeo didn't even recall when I mentioned it.  I've always regretted getting married in December!  The photo above is when we had our church wedding July 3rd, 2023.  We don't even have photos from our first wedding, which I also regret.  It's a really long and tedious story that I won't bore you with.

Although going back to work has been ok, I must say that it's depressing that all the little things that need to be corrected are still issues.  I don't know why our clinical staff forgets half the time to take x-rays if the patient needs major dental work ~ or how chart notes are sometimes missing ~ or items that weren't done are on the walkout line when we're finishing with the patient.  All these things bugged me before and sadly they still do.  Really, why should I care?  I'm only going to be there 7 more weeks.  But. It. Bugs.   

I can make it 7 more weeks.  


I do enjoy the payday though :-)

In the meantime, we're having another round of appliance problems.  Our microwave died so we had to get another one.  The one I had I really liked, but I went with a Japanese model that had better rankings, and was about $100+ less.  Romeo was whining that for the few days we didn't have one he couldn't heat up his coffee.  Awww, poor guy.  Sheesh.  

We have had our cell phones for 3 years, and they are still great phones.  The only issue was that the battery wouldn't last more than 4-5 hours, and considering I'm traveling this year, we decided we would replace the battery.  It's cost effective, especially when you consider what they cost new.  So, Romeo decides to take his to a cell phone repair shop, even though I told him the Apple Store will do it for the same cost.  That was a big mistake ~ they put an after-market battery in, which fried the circuits in his phone.  I did manage to reverse the charges through our bank after explaining the situation.  When I called the store and explained that Apple said the phone was toast and would not be worth repairing, the person I was talking to said "that's what they always say!"  It was kind of pathetic.  

While I was in the Apple store having my battery replaced, I bought him a new cell phone.  It has some great features, but the one I really liked was photo editing.  Super easy to use.  Look at the photo below, which was the original photo of the one at the top:

I plan to borrow his to edit my photos.  It's such an improvement!

Well, it's Sunday night and I have to get my shit together for work tomorrow!  Have a great week.

Love, 365

December 28, 2024

Oh Christmas, how you vexed me this year.....


I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas! 

I bought this multi planted Christmas cactus, now I'll see if I can keep it alive :-)


Since I went back to temporary work, my days have been busy.  I have to plan when I do things, like wash the sheets (used to do on Monday's), cook chicken for the doggos (Romeo is afraid of the instant pot), etc.  I have been thinking I retired 3 years ago, but actually it's been 2 1/2.  

This year I decided to do the copycat honey baked ham again.  And I did, but I was in such a hurry I didn't apply everything at the proper time.  It really didn't make much difference, but was only the beginning of the screw-ups I made that day.  Once of the sides was to be a really delicious baked beans recipe, and only toward the end of it did I realize that it needed 2 hours to bake, and by this time it was 3pm.  So, we ended up eating something else ~ and ate our Christmas dinner the day after.  Those beans were worth it though.  Dang.  The ham was good too, but I thought it was dry.  Maybe I cooked it too long in the slow cooker.  

The saving grace here was that we weren't expecting anyone over, so it didn't really matter.  

Last night I decided to make a quiche, and also started too late to have it for dinner.  I walked into the living room and, through my laughter, explained I had done it again, and let's have taquito's for dinner and the quiche for breakfast.  It took me awhile to get it out, because I was laughing so hard.  I surely hope this isn't going to be a trend 😎

Update on my trip to Greece.  Since Romeo has no interest in traveling ~ especially a 9 hour plane ride, I am going by myself.  *There is a woman friend at church that I was going to travel with, but then after becoming more familiar with her personality (don't get me wrong, she is a friend and a thoughtful, caring person) ~ I saw first hand how she handles stressful situations and thought to my self "oh, hell no".  I quit talking about it and so did she, so maybe she felt the same about me, haha.  Not surprising.  Just ask Romeo, lol.  

Anyway, I am going with a tour group for people that don't want to travel alone.  There was a great deal on cyber Monday with an offer of $500 off the tour.  Which I ended up not getting, because there wasn't a single room (I didn't want to share with a stranger) available with the hotel.  Hmmmmm.  I think this is how they manage to cheat you out of that $500 off deal.  I made a big stink out of it.  Thought about looking for something else, but did manage to re-book and get $150 off.  I probably should have looked at other  tour companies, but I would also lose some of my down payment.  I feel like I opened the door for them to kind of screw me over, but I still intend to go. 

Romeo bought me a carry on bag to take on my trip, as I was reading all the stuff on the companies app, letting us know that there won't be anyone lugging your bags around except you.  So, after a lot of deliberation, I decided to take a carry on.  Once that sucker gets here, I'm going to be practicing packing.  The tour will last 14 days (which includes travel on the first day and the last) so I will need to be smart about what to take.  I've looked at a few web sites with suggestions on what to take on a two week trip......then had to amend that to what I can take on a carry on.  The first list assumed a checked bag, and it didn't take long to figure that out, haha.  One of the more interesting things they said was to wear your jacket, and tie it around your waist if you don't need it.  I need some more practical tips like that!  I'm only taking sneaker and one pair of sandals (that will have to go with everything).  I have 4 (or maybe 5) skirts that are really light weight and don't wrinkle.  I have a pair of light weight pants and a pair of capri's.  

One tip I got from a patient at the office was to take enough underwear for the length of the trip and throw them away as you use them.  Now, really, do underwear really take up that much space?  And: do I want to take my rattiest underwear so I can throw them out?  I don't think so.  

Peg, you probably have had lots of experience in packing light ~ so share!  I want your secrets....

Love, 365

December 6, 2024

Thanksgiving tales, working again, trip to Greece!...woo hoo


Romeo and I drove to Texas for Thanksgiving.  The drive sucked, but 14 hours later, we were there!  We did go to the wrong house the first time (I swear they all look so much alike).  When I noticed there was no keypad, we went back to the car to search again.  

We stayed in my oldest sons house while they were in Boston.  It was nice to be there rather than a hotel.  So, I did meet my future daughter in law, and she is so sweet.  We had a wonderful day.  The only food that was sort of a disaster was the green bean casserole my youngest son (see above) brought.  He made it in a crock pot which didn't work out very well....but everything else was great!  Rae loved the dogs as you see....and Zoė gave her seal of approval!

The drive home was uneventful, and thanks to a different route, it was over an hour quicker.  It's always so good to be home again.

I started work this past Tuesday.  At first I felt so lost!  Nothing much has changed, but there were a few things.  By the end of Thursday I felt like I was back on track.  I was pleasantly surprised to see they purchased a new phone system, since the old one was crap.  However, I don't like how the new one works.  I'll probably get used to it after another week.  
I decided to work to earn $$ for a European travel trip, and as it turns out, Go Ahead Tours had a cyber Monday sale which ended today.....but I made my reservation for a trip to Greece in time to take advantage.  I am so excited!  It is a 14 day trip to Athens, Santorini and Crete.  I am so excited!!  Oh, I said that already :-)
Now all I have to do is get through the next 3 months.  I've only worked 3 days and now remember how happy I was to retire.  8 to 5 is tough when you've been retired for 3 years.
I hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  
Love, 365

November 16, 2024

Cheap sunglasses..........

I love sunglasses.  I've had many pairs..some expensive, some not cheap nor expensive, and the pair I have on in the photo, which I probably spent 10 bucks on.  Currently I have (or had) 2 pair ~ my Maui Jim pair, which I love, are very lightweight, but unfortunately very expensive.  I usually wear them when we're on a road trip as they don't bug me even when worn for 8-10 hours.  The cheap ones I have on above I wear in situations where I might drop and break them, or leave them somewhere.  

I had this particular pair for 8-10 years.  Unheard of!  I've dropped them so many times, the lenses were scratched (but not too bad), and were the ones I wore most often.  Which I lost yesterday.  I went in to Staples to fax some documents and when I was ready to leave, I couldn't find them.  :-(

I looked in my bag, my pockets ~ I even checked the top of my head, haha ~ the fax machine, etc.  I figure they must have fallen out of a pocket, and someone picked them up.  Ah, well.  The were cheap, right?  So I've ordered more.  The one thing I wonder is if the new ones will have flimsy plastic lenses.  The old pair were plastic as well, but thick enough to last 8+ years without popping out of the frames.  I might have to spend 20 bucks to get the same sturdiness of the ones I had.  

What about you?  Are you a fan of the cheap?  Yeah, me too......

Love, 365

October 18, 2024

Will be temporarily "un" retired.....


Zoē giving me the stink eye for waking her up....

I had a phone call last week from our office manager at the dental office where I used to work.  She asked me if I would be interested in working for 3 months while someone is on maternity leave.  "Let me think about it"....the following week I said yes.  I had to write out the pros and cons.  Extra money vs having a leisurely cup of coffee in the morning, and that sort of thing.  In the end, I said yes.  

It wouldn't hurt Romeo and I to take a little break from each other for one.  Sometimes we really get on each others last nerve 😀

The earnings could go toward a nice vacation.

Stuff like that.

Still, there's a tiny part of me that says: nooooooooo


I do enjoy my retirement.  I do what I want to do.  I volunteer for things I enjoy, and hopefully give back somewhat.  Some days I don't do anything at all except fix meals and read a book I'm really into.  

It should give me more things to talk about here, haha.  Lately I really struggle to find something to write about that isn't boring as shit.  

Love, 365

October 8, 2024

Another Greek Festival season over (finally)...


Paximadia (like Italian biscotti), kourambiedes (delightful cookies similar to wedding cookies), koulourakia (butter cookies), baklava, and at the far end which you can't see, is the tsoureki. 

Baklava cheesecake.

The big tent, where the dances take place, and people sit and eat, drink, and have a good time.

Saturday evening......I think we have beat all previous years for attendance.

Greek dancers of all cute!

The baking team have spent nearly every Tuesday and Thurday afternoons from July to the Thursday before the festival, baking all of the cookies, bread, and cheesecake.  This is the first year we purchased all of the baklava from a bakery.  

The festival was two full days and one half day.  We sold out of all of the baklava cheesecake, paximadia, bread and cookies.  The only reason we didn't sell out of baklava is the amount that was ordered was a tad bit over-done.  We still have 2 big freezers full of baklava. 

I worked all day on Friday, 5 hours on Saturday and 4 1/2 hours on Sunday.  By the time 3:30 rolled around on Sunday I was exhausted.  I don't know how the baking manager had the energy to spend all day each of those 3 days.  

It was fun, but I'm really glad it's done.  

The attendance broke records as far as we know, because they ran out of tickets on Sunday around 1:30, and had to "recycle" tickets.  Instead of money, people buy tickets and then purchase most things with them.  Some of the vendors accepted cash and credit cards.  So it was a successful festival, but I guarantee that everyone involved is relieved!

If you ever come to the balloon fiesta, come to the festival ~ good times!

Love, 365

September 21, 2024

Looking forward to pumpkin season!

 Yep, I'm one of those pumpkin fans ~ pumpkin spice coffee creamer, pumpkin butter, pumpkin bread, etc.  A few weeks ago we had pumpkin spice creamer at our after church luncheon.  Very popular except for a few people, who are disgusted by the very thought.  It's rather like cilantro.  Ya either love it or hate it.  For me, it tastes like soap and is truly disgusting.  

What do you think about the use of QR codes ~ for practically everything.  I like it when I'm forced to sign in again to a streaming service I've already signed in to (why, oh why?).  I'm annoyed when products I purchase equipment that comes without any printed pages on how to put it together and use it.  Yeah, yeah, I know it saves paper.  😛

Now that the mosquitoes have moved out, now we have an influx of flies.  So Romeo buys a fly trap to put outside.  But ever since he put it out there, I would get a wiff of something disgusting.  After a week, I determined the smell is coming from the fly trap and moved it so it would be away from the back door.  It does work though, there were a couple of inches of fly corpses in the bottle.  I moved the fly trap closer to our fence, so that our neighbors ~ who never pick up the dog shit in their yard ~ can enjoy the scent of decaying flies.  Bwa ha ha.  Who knows, maybe they won't even notice.

I have been so busy.  Working two afternoons a week at festival baking (which is almost over!!! YAY), baking bread for us and to give away.  Trying to make progress on the quilt for my youngest son.  I also need to sew a small dress for a doll that a friend asked me to do.  **Never have ever made doll clothes, so this ought to be fun.  Then house cleaning and laundry and keeping up with tending the garden (which I do enjoy, except for picking off those ugly tomato worms).  

Otherwise, all is moving along.  We're working on training our little terrorists to walk without pulling and to stop growling at dogs they don't like.  Oh, and to sit when people want to pet or give them treats.  It takes a lot of work to make sure they have manners!  They are so much fun though...I was laughing out loud at Zoē doing zoomies in the backyard.  She's so much fun and such a pain in the ass at the same time!  Lol


Have an excellent weekend!  

Love, 365

August 23, 2024

Fall is on it's way.....


Zoē taking a nap, which we were all doing in the hot part of the day.....

"Did you say we are going for a walk???"

At last our temps have fallen, we enjoyed a high of 76 F and that's a lot cooler than last week.  I know it will be hot again, but finally we can see an end to 98-100 degree temps soon.  

Whatever is going on with the weather, my garden is really growing.  The peach peppers have doubled their height, and although I see flowers, I haven't seen any baby peppers yet.  I sure hope I have a stellar harvest!  My giant marconi pepper probably will not produce a nice large peppers like the first one ~ which I stuffed with cheese and herbs and grilled.  I didn't plant it in a very good place (which I should have known the tomatoes would shade them too much).  They are super tasty peppers though, so I plan to do more of those next year.  

We'll be heading up to the mountains for a hike next week, although it's way to early for the aspen's to be golden.  We'll have to go up again when they do, because it's just spectacular.  I would really like to drive to New England and see the fall colors next year!  

In the meantime, I've been spending my afternoons watching all the drama in the US Open.  Some of the matches keep you on the edge of your seat!  Yesterday I watched Tu and Alcarez, and that was a great game.  

This past weekend I picked ~ for free ~ 6 lbs 14 oz of prickly pear fruit....and made two batches of jelly.  I plan to send some of these out to my kids for Christmas.  On Saturday I will pick up a bushel of Colorado peaches, and I will be making canned peaches, jam and jelly.  I've already had my canning warm up, haha. 

We're still baking for the Greek festival....we baked and boxed 800 kourambiedes (similar to a Mexican wedding cookie).  We have a few more days of those, which I hate because that powdered sugar goes everywhere.  It's such a mess!  They are delicious cookies though.  Luckily we will have this Thursday off since my friend who manages festival baking is off celebrating her anniversary.  

Other than the above mentioned stuff, that's all that is going on!  It's a pretty quiet life, which has it's benefits and negatives.  Great if quiet is your thing, negative if you want some adventure before we're too old to do said adventures.  

Love, 365

It's never ever going to end.......

Zoe-Zoe (which is what I call her most of the time), disgusted with the orange buffoon, decides to take a nap.  And hopefully dream of chasi...