May 27, 2022

Guess what?.....

Yesterday started out a bit rough.  I asked the new hire about something, and she gives me this look ~ you know the one I'm talking about.  I flat out asked her, am I annoying you?  She did say no, but I replied that she looks irritated.  I walked away, but I was upset, and angry.  I think we are just two people that dislike each other for no reason.  Kind of a chemistry thing, you know? 

Not long after that, I approached our accountant, I wanted to make sure I had used all my paid time off.  She got out two or three records to calculate it, and darned if I did.  I still had 10 hours of paid time off.  I looked at her and said, well, I think this is my last day then.  And so it was..........

I have nothing to offer the new hire, she doesn't want to listen.  As I mentioned before, she knows it all.  They offered me to come in anyway, and that they would add the paid time off to my last check as well (which is pretty generous), but I declined.  There's more to life than money.  Oh, no doubt that money is helpful, but at that point I'd rather be done.  The Doc told me he was sorry to lose me, that he appreciated all I had done for the practice.  Asked me my opinion of the new hire, and I told him straight.  She's a hard worker, did everything that was asked, but the minute there's nothing going on, she and our other new hire (who know each other) talk....and talk and talk.  He admitted he may have made a mistake in hiring her friend.  It may still work out, you never know.  

I admit that I was a little sad.  I wasn't mentally prepared for it to be my last day, you know?  Most of my co-workers have promised we'll get together for lunch and drinks, which will be nice every month or two.  Of course, we'll be going in for regular check-ups and Romeo still needs to have his implant completed.  It's not like I'll never see them again.  It might be fun just going in as a patient!  

So, the retirement is official!  Although I do have to go by on Tuesday to pick up my final check.  I'll probably go in about 4, and hang out with them for a minute.  I need to take the retirement card to Ms Loud, as that will be her final day.  

Happy retirement to me!!  Yay!

Love, 365



  1. Retirement is a two edged sword.It is good and bad.

    1. For now, it’s all good, but it's only been a couple of days.! Is it bad because there’s no longer that bi-monthly check? Or too much free time that you can’t fill? I’m just trying to figure out why it’s bad…..

  2. Congratulations on a new chapter. New page, new theme.... go out and live it.

    1. I'm looking forward to doing things on my own time, and of course making progress on my projects that have been so neglected :-)

  3. Retirement is a two edge sword, and both edges are damn good! Enjoy. And the worker with whom you have no chemistry...who cares?

    1. I will! And you're right ~ who cares? Ms Loud asked me what I thought, and my response was "it's no longer my problem"!

  4. Enjoy your retirement!! The day finally did get here, even if it came a day earlier than you originally planned!


    1. I was excited, it is just that mentally I had prepared for the 31st. Otherwise, it's all great!

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you Ami! Hang in, school is almost done.....

  6. Happy retirement! Enjoy yourself

    1. More time for cooking, which I love to do! Plus there's travel, we have a few trips already planned. Plus, day's been awhile since we've been to Taos or Santa Fe.

  7. Congratulations!! I know it's not how you wanted to leave but I think you did the right thing. Enjoy your first day of sleeping in. I bet you can't 😏 it took me a few weeks for that.

    1. You are right! I think I got up at 5 am, lol. I was ok with leaving early for a number of reasons...losing my paid time off, there was only one day left, and it was getting pretty crowded at the front desk! But I did turn off all but one alarm (which isn't for work!).

  8. I will add my congratulations as well. I retired at 66 and love every day along the Colorado River. I thought I would get bored, but seems like every day for the last 10 yrs, is a new adventure. I hope your retirement gives to you everything you wish for as well.

    1. Thank you ~ never having been retired, I don't know what to expect, but I'm going to do my best to enjoy every moment!

  9. Best thing that I can recommend, is get rid of all debt . It gives you so many possibilities going foward in old age.


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