April 2, 2021

Good Friday best wishes to y'all!....


Such a cute little bunny!  I love love love Easter candy.  I don't have any, but I sure do love it.  

When my sister and I were kids, Mom made us baskets up until we had our own kids, then she made them for her Grand kids.  They weren't extravagant, but had all the basics ~ chocolate bunny, jelly bean eggs, other assorted chocolate goodies.  It was kind of fun digging through the fake grass to find those last few treats.  

Sioux is improving, but slowly.  She still sleeps a lot, and every now and then has diarrhea, but she still has more energy than before, and is enjoying a couple of short walks a day.  I attribute her slow recuperation to her age I guess?  Truthfully we don't have any idea what is going on.  We might go back to the vet for more tests if she isn't fully better by next week.

Ms Loud has been on vacation.  It would be so much easier to enjoy if we weren't so incredibly busy, lol.  

About three or four months ago, I made an appointment with an optometrist  right next to Coscto, since that's where I order my contacts.  I liked the doc ok.  She gave me a pair of trials to try, and also mentioned she would order a pair of lenses for astigmatism, since they don't have them on hand.  ~six weeks later, I still didn't have those, so I ordered a three months supply of the regular contacts, and while I was there asked about the other trial pair.  The woman at the counter said she hadn't seen them.  By the time I picked up the ones I ordered, she said the trial contacts arrived, and she took them to the doctors office ~ which was closed because one of the staff had covid.  In the meantime, I sort of forgot about them until about 6 weeks later when we were there shopping.....where one of the staff members promptly lied and said they mailed them to me.  I finally got them last week though (but not through the mail).  Man, it is so hard to find good help, isn't it?

If I forget to post again this weekend, Happy Easter!

Love 365 


  1. Do you celebrate both Easters ? Lots of time this year to recover from the first and prepare for the second!!
    I'm making hot cross buns for the western Easter.
    Hope Sioux continues to improve.

    1. Well, no we don't celebrate both, mostly because my family lives in Texas. If we were nearby, we likely would celebrate both.
      I've never made hot cross buns, but I have the recipe...thanks for that idea!

  2. Our visiting cat was in today and had more energy than we'd ever seen. I was talking to his owner a few days ago and he said they had taken him to the vet because he was sick and vomiting and he thought he was going to die. Whatever the vet did sure had an impact on him.

    1. Our vet did provide medication that made our dog feel much better, but her digestive system is still pretty delicate. If we add something new, her problems with the runs comes back. Older dogs certainly take much longer to feel better!


Two weeks and counting.......

  Happy Valentines Day! Apparently I have resting mad bird face, lol. They are so cute, but this is an accurate depiction of walking with Zo...