November 15, 2021



Romeo and I have had an appointment to get our passports for a month.  Today was the day.  I gave the lady all the paperwork.....and after a minute, she tells me my Mother's name is not the same as my application.  My Mother's name is incorrect on MY birth certificate.  WHAT?  You know, I've had the birth certificate for awhile.....I never scrutinized it.  

After several phone calls, and waiting for 30 minutes on hold with vital records, it was explained to me that I need to request a certified copy of her birth certificate ~ because her death certificate won't do (why the hell not, but whatever).  Then I send that, with a copy of my ID and a check for $27.50.  At the rate governmental agencies move, I figure I'll be waiting awhile for that.  Isn't it nice they want me to pay for their mistake?  I thought so and said so.  Although I tried to be nice and told her I know it's not her fault, but wow.  

Romeo's passport application is done.  I don't know how long I'll be waiting, but I am really frustrated.  Then Romeo shows me some attitude, that I guess I should have just been, Oh! No problemo, I am nothing if not happy to face any challenge.  For pete's sake.  

Ranting cause no one else cares....haha

Love, 365

PS: All in all it will cost me nearly $60 to fix their mistake.  I have to pay $30 for a certified copy of my Mom's birth certificate......I'm bleedin here 😒


  1. Why it goes to gov't papers when someone dies, I wonder?

    1. Well, that I get, they want to make certain to tax the heck out of the estate if it's big enough!

  2. On old birth certificates in NZ it can be down to illegible handwriting... My grandmother's had the wrong birth date on it because her father didn't make a note before he went to town to register the birth (she claimed both days and all the days in between - birthweek). Here in Greece the nightmare starts when they try to turn your non-Greek name into something Greek for the tax/social welfare/medical... etc records. You don't realize you are now a non-person until you need to get back into the system (to book a vaccination for example) and none of the numbers allocated to you are linked to any of the other numbers because of the various individual interpretations of your name. Even funnier, our office manager comes from a Greek family that emigrated to South Africa. Over there the family name was anglicized. When she moved to Greece, instead of opening her records with the original Greek name, the authorities insisted on transliterating her now anglicized name. It is like the original google translate - translate in both directions and what you get out the end is not what you put in at the start.

    1. Wow, that sounds so much worse! Why do they always try to change your name to a greek equivalent? I'd sure like to hear them try to do that with Yvonne, haha.

  3. Oh for the love of God. How frustrating. I am dealing with titles and DMV etc. All because somehow the titles went missing in our move. Always kept in metal box. Not there. I spent 30 minutes on hold then told to call back. 5 DAYS OF THIS! I feel your pain

    1. Peg I think I might be happier dealing with vital records than the DMV, which is one of the most inefficient bureaucracies ever. But I did get a form requesting I correct my Mother's birth certificate, causing me to sigh in frustration. Not her bc, mine, you dodo.... haha

  4. It's been a few years, but I don't remember it being such a chore. This sounds a bit like the DMV.

  5. Well that is a terrible way to find out about that mistake. I hope it can get fixed soon and with no more headaches and money.

    1. I alternately curse myself for not looking at it in detail, and the person who filled it out :D


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