April 15, 2022

The count down in earnest........


The office has been so crazy, I barely know where to begin.  First of all, the doc that is retiring is so done!  He is happy when we had to reschedule patients for their fillings, because one of our dental assistants has been out most of the last week.  Her 96 year old father passed away the week before last.  She was off a couple of days, came in on Monday, and then off the rest of this week.  On Wednesday she let us know she wouldn't be in yesterday, causing a mad scramble to reschedule some of our orthodontic patients (the one who was out is the only one able to work on brackets and wires).  That was difficult and disappointing, since one of the patients was due to have her braces off, and now it's been delayed, and her prom is this weekend.  I felt bad, but couldn't do anything about it.  Patients want to come in and see him one more time, but does he care?  Nope.  He just wants to be done and leave for his trip to Paris.  It's frustrating.  And hard to call and move people.  

I am lucky to have put in for vacation time for next week, which is Holy Week for Orthodox Christians.  Our Easter is one week after everyone else's.  Romeo bought a couple of my favorite candies last week...they might be out of them if we wait past this weekend :D  

I am so glad I will have this next week off....it will probably be even crazier than this week has been.  I do feel just a tiny bit of guilt, leaving all my co-workers to deal with it.  We do have a college student working on Mon-Wed-Fri, so that will help.  

Just in time for retirement are the gallbladder polyps discovered in Sept, which are "stable" but larger than they want.  So, I have to schedule an appointment with a general surgeon to discuss if I need to have my gallbladder removed.  I called, and they first mentioned August (!!) then asked I call every week to schedule in July.  At first I was a bit freaked out, but I've chilled a little since then.  Happy retirement!  Let's schedule surgery to remove parts of your body!  Yay!  

Cute, funny................

Not so much.....

Have a wonderful weekend, and Happy Easter!

Love, 365


  1. Oh wow with the possibility of surgery. Hopefully the recovery time is quick. But you will still have some weeks of retirement before then and hopefully you won't be in too much discomfort.

    Enjoy your vacation week and Happy Easter!


    1. Thank you….but I figure it will be fall before the surgery is scheduled ~ if they recommend surgery (hopeful thought on my part).
      I am so happy to be off next week!!

  2. Won't be long and you'll be far away from all the office crap.
    Have your surgery and then you can really relax and enjoy retirement.
    Happy Holy Week!
    We are having fish today for Palm Sunday

    1. We had mahi mahi at fellowhsip hour and salmon for dinner....delicious!


Two weeks and counting.......

  Happy Valentines Day! Apparently I have resting mad bird face, lol. They are so cute, but this is an accurate depiction of walking with Zo...