August 15, 2022

Getting ready to go is stressful.....


I know it's hard to see, but this bee ~ which was huge, by the way ~ has the largest pollen sacs I've seen in awhile!  Our sage is huge this year, and we have bees and other pollinators in droves.  

"You can't see me, I'm invisible!"  Bunnies are so funny.  One false move and off they go!  

I really hate having to pack again.  But I've had some great advice though ~ to take a backpack instead of a purse, which I really won't need anyway.  The workshop is an hour drive from the airport, and once there we won't be leaving the grounds, so why?  And a backpack will give me so much more room in case I have trouble fitting everything into the carry on.  If I get this figured out, I might be sold.  Although I really hate waiting for all the passengers to get all their crap before I can get off.  

We have had some relief from the heat....we went for a walk after dinner a few days ago, as the temp's were in the mid 70s.  We're still in the 90s, but haven't had 100s for awhile.  

Otherwise there isn't any exciting to write about. 😏  But I did exclaim to Romeo at 3:15pm that it sure is wonderful, this retirement thing.  💖

Love, 365


  1. Great bee. F's particularly jealous of your 'retirement thing'. For the first time in her working life she actually hates the idea of going to work, hates the work and isn't enjoying the clients. Probably just as well we are moving on. Enjoy your course. xxx Mr T

  2. You are really getting into 'this retirement thing'. No time to be bored with you!!
    The backpack is a great idea. You can carry a lot of stuff in those and don't notice the weight so much. Just have to make sure you don't whack anyone as you turn around, like me lol

    1. Lol, I will have to remember that! But it'll sure solve a lot of problems!!


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