June 10, 2023

Trials of life.......


A couple Romeo and I are friends with had plans to take a "round the world" cruise.  Then Covid came around and they weren't able to go for 2 1/2 years.....finally in mid-January, they were cleared to go.  Both really excited.  They have the finances to make it really special ~ a nice cabin with a deck.  

Two months into it, and the husband becomes sick ~ I'm still not sure if it was a urinary tract infection which spiraled into other things, or if it was a heart problem.  Next thing we hear, he's in the ICU in Dubai, where he stayed for nearly a week before being transferred out to a general floor.  In the meantime, Patti is going crazy, taking an uber back and forth to the hospital, worrying.  Of course, the cruise ship had to leave them behind.  Luckily, Patti is a very smart and resourceful person.  In order to get back home, they had to hire a traveling nurse (who knew there was such a thing?) who accompanied them on the flights home.  Patti said she was amazing, taking care of luggage and transfers, and of course, Matt.  My friend and I went to see tham a couple of weeks after they returned, and heard the whole crazy story.  Matt was lucky to be alive, and is now doing well, for an 87 year old.  Crazy stuff.  I think the moral of the story is don't wait to do those trips!  I think if Covid had not intervened the trip would have been without incident.  But who knows?  

About 6 weeks ago, one of our friends from our church was riding his bike, and said he was feeling odd, his legs felt weak.  He got off the bike and crumpled to the ground, unable to get up.  He had a rare spinal stroke that has left him paralyzed from the waist down.  One day, just doing his normal things, the next day unable to stand.  The doctors said he will likely never walk again, a devastating diagnosis.  He refuses to see anyone outside of family.  He did receive treatment relatively quickly.  He was one of our main chanters in the church.  Grew up attending, was baptized there and married there.  I think it's easy to say that his family is one of the cornerstones.  Now, he says he will not ever return, but I am hoping that it's just the anger and frustration that he is feeling.  Can you imagine being fine one day and paralyzed the next?  I can't.  I imagine I would feel angry too.  Hopefully he'll want to have visitors in the next few months, but I will respect his wishes if he continues to avoid non-family members.  So horribly sad, although he could have easily died.  I'm glad he is still with us ~ but I'm not sure at this point he feels the same.  

Love, 365


  1. Never heard of a spinal stroke. It is frightening to contemplate what could be in store for old age (or really old age), or simply just around the corner for even a fit healthy person. Keep enjoying while you can.

    1. Right? He is home now, and I've heard he's doing better. I miss him and his wife. Hopefully I will see her soon, but I still wonder if he will return.

  2. These sudden deaths make me realise how fragile our lives are. One minute we here and healthy... the next? Who knows. We really have to enjoy this moment

  3. As you know I am living a bit of this. Rick's anger did turn a corner and once his mental state changed he began seeing big results. I also know someone who was told he'd never walk again and is walking. So he just had to fight and see if he can. I have learned doctors don't know it all and anything can change. But I get it. We retired healthy and all kinds of shit came down the pike. I am hoping this is the last of it for a long time. Fingers crossed.
    I am so sorry you and your friends have gone through all of this!

    1. I have been reading and keeping up, although I don't always have time to comment (especially since Blogger has become such a pain in the ass). I think of you two often, and I hope all will be well.
      I recently saw a story on the news about an athlete that had a spinal stroke, and he is still confined to a wheel chair, although he can move a few toes. You're right, Dr's don't know everything! Much of it depends on the mental attitude of the person in question. Don't ever give up!


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