October 18, 2024

Will be temporarily "un" retired.....


Zoē giving me the stink eye for waking her up....

I had a phone call last week from our office manager at the dental office where I used to work.  She asked me if I would be interested in working for 3 months while someone is on maternity leave.  "Let me think about it"....the following week I said yes.  I had to write out the pros and cons.  Extra money vs having a leisurely cup of coffee in the morning, and that sort of thing.  In the end, I said yes.  

It wouldn't hurt Romeo and I to take a little break from each other for one.  Sometimes we really get on each others last nerve 😀

The earnings could go toward a nice vacation.

Stuff like that.

Still, there's a tiny part of me that says: nooooooooo


I do enjoy my retirement.  I do what I want to do.  I volunteer for things I enjoy, and hopefully give back somewhat.  Some days I don't do anything at all except fix meals and read a book I'm really into.  

It should give me more things to talk about here, haha.  Lately I really struggle to find something to write about that isn't boring as shit.  

Love, 365

October 8, 2024

Another Greek Festival season over (finally)...


Paximadia (like Italian biscotti), kourambiedes (delightful cookies similar to wedding cookies), koulourakia (butter cookies), baklava, and at the far end which you can't see, is the tsoureki. 

Baklava cheesecake.

The big tent, where the dances take place, and people sit and eat, drink, and have a good time.

Saturday evening......I think we have beat all previous years for attendance.

Greek dancers of all ages....so cute!

The baking team have spent nearly every Tuesday and Thurday afternoons from July to the Thursday before the festival, baking all of the cookies, bread, and cheesecake.  This is the first year we purchased all of the baklava from a bakery.  

The festival was two full days and one half day.  We sold out of all of the baklava cheesecake, paximadia, bread and cookies.  The only reason we didn't sell out of baklava is the amount that was ordered was a tad bit over-done.  We still have 2 big freezers full of baklava. 

I worked all day on Friday, 5 hours on Saturday and 4 1/2 hours on Sunday.  By the time 3:30 rolled around on Sunday I was exhausted.  I don't know how the baking manager had the energy to spend all day each of those 3 days.  

It was fun, but I'm really glad it's done.  

The attendance broke records as far as we know, because they ran out of tickets on Sunday around 1:30, and had to "recycle" tickets.  Instead of money, people buy tickets and then purchase most things with them.  Some of the vendors accepted cash and credit cards.  So it was a successful festival, but I guarantee that everyone involved is relieved!

If you ever come to the balloon fiesta, come to the festival ~ good times!

Love, 365

Two weeks and counting.......

  Happy Valentines Day! Apparently I have resting mad bird face, lol. They are so cute, but this is an accurate depiction of walking with Zo...