September 22, 2018

Not quite getting it all done.....

Years ago at the Harvest Festival

Yesterday was exactly the crazy day I figured it would be, but I was fairly confident that I could get it all done.  The exam was exactly what I expected thanks to the exam study guide.  I think I did well, if not an A a solid B.  The best part was that the uni was pretty much empty, so no problems with parking.  I arrived 30 minutes early, enough for me to do a quick review.  After the exam was over I treated myself to an iced coffee and a stroll around campus, enjoying the cool air and the lack of students.  It was nice.

Racquetball was so fun!  We played for a couple of hours.  I was playing well....I keep telling them I should get a shirt that says "I am nothing if not inconsistent", but over the years most of the players I've met say the same.  One day you can do no wrong, you're "on".....the next day you can't get the ball to the front wall to save your life.  But I was glad to be playing well since I won't play again until I get back, which is a whole week.

I had a break in-between, so I took care of mail ~ mostly throwing out ads, and shredding the rest.  This is not my favorite job, so I tend to let weeks of mail pile up before I do this, which of course, makes the job harder.  Last year I made a resolution not to do this, but (predictably) I fell back into my old habits half of the time.  But it's done.  So there.

When I go see my hairdresser, I have to drive to Corrales, which is across the river.  Did I consider that it's Friday and people are leaving work early? No.  Did I consider that I'll be leaving around 5:30?  Well, yes I did figure that, but the traffic was nuts.  So, I was late getting to her place by 10 minutes, so I decided that I over-booked myself, and put off taking the Rodeo to the mechanic.  I will have to figure out how to do that with my schedule after I get back.  In the meantime, it's not an urgent issue, I just need them to figure out why my temp gauge goes over the mean in certain hasn't happened for over 2 weeks now (of course).

Weather in San Antonio

Weather in Albuquerque

So, as you can see, there's not much difference in temperatures, and truthfully, I was surprised to see the humidity levels in Albuquerque listed so high.  Normally our humidity levels are around 15-20%. But we sure beat the pants off of San Antonio in sunshine.

Well, I have things to do, so have a great Saturday!
Love, 365


  1. I would love to have what you call high humidity numbers. Trade ya. :-)

  2. Nope! That's one reason I love New Mexico and living in the high desert❤️

  3. I am so glad I don't have to worry about humidity. Take care.


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