October 2, 2018

There & back again.......

My Mom, me (on the left) & my sister

My flight to Austin went very well.  I lucked out and was "issued" a window seat, which I always prefer due to my motion sickness issues.  Son #2 picked me up and we headed out to Dripping Springs for lunch where my sister met us.  She had picked a real Texas joint that looked like it had once been someone's ranch, where we enjoyed great bbq.  Then I had to say goodbye to Son #2, who had work on Monday, and we headed off to Comfort.  Comfort is a small German town west of San Antonio that is very charming, small and clean.  I realize now I never saw a "tag" in Comfort.  I wonder what the teens with angst do in a place like that.  I do love the town, and if we ever do move back, would be one of my choices to live.  

I spent nearly all of Tuesday with Mom, cooking for her and her caregiver and going through old photos.  I took quite a few pictures of pictures ~ are they pics squared now?  Haha. Still, even though Mom was doing OK (likely because I was there visiting) I could see the decline, and the advancement of Parkinson's.  A slight tremor in her hands.  The vague focus of her eyes.  It makes me so sad every time I see her.  Many of her health problems are due to the lack of exercise.    The Parkinson's depression erodes the desire to do anything.  It's a very vicious cycle.  


I think I over-did the pictures because at one point she said she had enough and was exhausted.  But for awhile, I saw a glimpse of the "old" Mom.  Now I can't talk to her about anything that is stressful or could cause her anxiety.  That basically leaves weather, or the birds at the feeder, or making fun of something silly on TV.  We don't even have the same views of politics that we used to ~ her caregiver (who is also her ex-husband, but not my Dad) has truly influenced her views.  One of the things I dislike about him, but there are many of those.

Mom & Dad....

I chose this photo because they look so happy, although I don't think either one was truly happy together.  Dad waited until both of us girls had graduated from high school before divorcing Mom, who probably should have divorced him many years before.  I don't want to be maudlin here, I did have some happy childhood moments. In my opinion the children of unhappy parents have to work hard and purposely to find happiness in their own lives.  It took me years and one failed marriage to find it.  

More on the best part of the trip later....
Love, 365


  1. I am so sorry that you have to watch your mom failing. I get it as you know.
    But I hope you had some fun somewhere while there. And c'mon what is better than Texas BBQ? Yum

    1. Peg, it is what it is, there's not much to do except cope.

      Texas bbq is good ~ it's interesting how different bbq is in different areas, with rubs and sauce and smoke. I love barbeque in all it's incarnations!

  2. Very nice post really ! I apperciate your blog Thanks for sharing,keep sharing more blogs.



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