February 15, 2020

All you need is love...........

Happy Valentine's Day to all of you!  We did not do much ~ Romeo asked if I wanted to go out to a restaurant ~ my reply ~ Are you crazy?  It's Valentine's Day and a Friday.......  So it was a quiet evening at home.  Really, the best kind.

I had taken Tuesday and Wednesday off, mostly because there was an event at the church and partly because I needed a break (ha ha, no pun intended).  What is it about having a week or two of vacation, and when you get back to work you wish the vacay had been just a few more days!  It's just never long enough, right?  And although I hear the call of retirement, I really must pay off my car first before I can consider that.  I plan to make some extra payments to hurry that along.

I received a statement from the orthopedist office for my first visit.  I could not believe that they charged $1200 for "treatment of a proximal humerus fracture" ~ they didn't do anything.  They didn't even take x-rays.  I didn't have to pay that, thankfully.  My copay was $50.  Still, it is very shocking.  My co-worker said if I hadn't had insurance they probably wouldn't have charged me that much, but I disagree.  This past week they took x-rays to check on healing, and he had me do some movements while he palpated the shoulder to check on mobility.  I shudder to see how much that bill will be.  Once again I am so thankful that all of this happened after I had insurance coverage, which I didn't have just a few days before.  :-0

But life is good, I have work, and my supportive and loving guy, and Sioux is keeping me company while I sit here and type with the sun streaming in the window. 

Have a great weekend.....Love, 365


  1. We did Valentines Day dinner out on Tuesday.

  2. $$$. Having insurance is a necessity these days.

    My husband fixed us lobster (Yes!) on Thurs. nite. We watched Mentalist on Amazon Prime and then some Longmire. A good time.

  3. We did nothing on Valentine's Day and it was glorious. I hear ya' about insurance. It's insane how much stuff costs these days. I am extremely grateful that me and the family have great coverage. Take care and hope the healing continues to be quick.


Two weeks and counting.......

  Happy Valentines Day! Apparently I have resting mad bird face, lol. They are so cute, but this is an accurate depiction of walking with Zo...