June 10, 2020

Hits from the universe..........

 Romeo filed another complaint about our next door neighbor's backyard security camera that was ~ once again ~ pointed at our backyard.  This is a woman somewhat near my own age with a 50ish year old son that hasn't worked the entire time we have lived next to them.  That's 20 years.  He probably has mental issues, and for all I know is collecting social security disability.  I really don't know.  But the guy is weird, no question.  Creepy for sure.  He pulls out his military binoculars to peek into the homes across the street (not ours thankfully).  And there's the security camera thing.  It's not that we sunbathe nude.  But we should have a reasonable expectation of privacy.  It creeps me out to the extreme that anytime I might be watering the garden, or picking up dog poop, or just hanging out on the patio and never know if he is watching us.  Ugh. 

So, Saturday a cop came to our house to discuss the complaint.  He went and spoke to the owner of the house (the Mom) and in 10 minutes the camera was again pointing out to the street.  It's not really a win though ~ he could go out and turn it again in 2 minutes. 

What really got to me was that the policeman gave us the news that our other neighbor died about 10 days before.  I was floored.  And so sad!  She was very sick, but a nice enough lady.  It makes me feel terrible that I didn't know.  The stupid covid virus kept me from visiting.  I did text/call a couple of times to see if she wanted or needed anything.  But I'm kind of pissed at the universe for this one.  And no, it wasn't the virus.  She had a serious health condition.  :-(

So, this will be the third time that house has been sold since we've lived there.  Given the crappy neighbors we have on the right, I sure hope it works out well.

Love, 365


  1. It's awful when you have issues with neighbours. We're pretty lucky now, but many many years ago, we ended up buying our first house because of a barking dog! (long story...) Sorry to hear about your neighbour who was unwell. Maybe someone lovely without a security camera will move in there. -Jenn

    1. I hope that we get someone nice, for sure. And I know about barking dogs too, sadly! I'm crossing my fingers!

  2. Your camera tale neatly illustrates the social boundaries thing - how those who have picked up and learned the social queues know where the boundaries are (respect the privacy of other people's back yards for instance); and now all of us are having to learn a new social norm about physical distance. Difficult one having a neighbour who hasn't even got the basics.

    1. True.....unfortunately I doubt that he will learn anything from this though. And this new social norm? I do see it in some places, but not in many!

  3. Thinking that you might be spied on is terrible. At least the police arrived and talked to the neighbour. I hope he takes the complaint seriously and doesn't turn the camera again.

    1. It would be nice if they've decided to take it down, but if they just keep it pointed at the street that would be nice. Hope springs eternal, right?

  4. I HATE HOAs but that would eliminate what you are going through. 1. They don't know where the complaint came from. 2. They are little nazis and that camera if moved would get a hefty fine DAILY until they did the thing. If too may infractions they can be asked to move. Yes from the home they own. Its crazy.
    Otherwise they suck.

    1. Yep. It is crazy. Romeo has joked that we would never be able to sell our house as long as the crazies are living next door (except maybe RIGHT NOW as homes are selling in 24 to 48 hours due to a shortage of homes on the market). Sigh......

  5. Sorry to hear about your neighbor. Hope you get a good one. I also hope the nosy neighbor quits bothering you. I recently found out an acquaintance passed away and it hit me pretty hard. Some days are just tougher than others.


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