February 4, 2021

Yeah, I'm still here!......


Someone posted this beautiful photo of Camel Rock....I think it's an older photo because it no longer looks as good as this one.  You know........time.  Water.  Erosion.  People.  But it is a really cool photo!

I received my second Covid vaccine (Moderna) on Tuesday.  In fact there were 5 people in the office who got their second shot this week.  One went home at 1 pm, with a fever and nauseau ~ this was on Tuesday.  Two people called in sick yesterday, with fever.  One was a dental assistant to our busiest dentist, of course.  The other was our office manager.  All of them complained of fever and chills.  For me, all I had was a sore arm, and a little tiredness.  The other dentist complained that food tasted funny.  He is so funny, always having to jump on board with some complaint or other ~ not wanting to be left out and all.  :-)  So for all of you who are younger than 50 may experience these symptoms, which is apparently common.  In retrospect I think it was a mistake for us to have our shots early in the week.  We had to reschedule about 15 patients when these folks went home......

Not really believing that New Year's resolutions are a good thing ~ I did promise myself that I would use my handy kitchen gadgets more often.  Romeo is a little worried about using the Instant Pot because of the pressure cooker aspect.  This past weekend I decided to make lasagna in it, and it was really really good.  The recipe used so many time savers ~ no-boil lasagna noodles and meat sauce from a jar. Add all that luscious cheese ~ mozzarella,  fresh parmesan and ricotta....yum yum.   It was fairly quick to put together.  I also used the IP to hard boil eggs and make egg salad, one of our favorites.  

And here is where we delve into the demented mind of conspiracy theorists.

~QAnon: At its heart, QAnon is a wide-ranging, completely unfounded theory that says that President Trump is waging a secret war against elite Satan-worshipping paedophiles in government, business and the media. 

Ms Loud ~ no holds barred conspiracy believer ~ spouted all of the pedophile theories to me on Monday.  That these people bleed these captured children and drink their blood.  It is one of the weirdest things I've heard in awhile.  She believes that former Pres. Trump removed the U.S. from some sort of global committee and that there are millions of dollar in gold that have been transported back to the USA from a vault in the Vatican.  Which somehow is all part of the same conspiracy.  ......Monday is the day I decided to put in for a vacation day on Thursday (which is why I'm off today).  

Yesterday she went on and on about how the Covid vaccine is not approved by the FDA (which I suppose is technically true, although they did release it on emergency use authorization which could be interpreted as NOT approval).  How it is not a true vaccine.  And on and on.  I was never so glad to clock out at the end of the day yesterday and go home.

I don't know why I just can't let it go.  There is no convincing her of the truth.  She will stubbornly believe all of this nonsense, and backs it up with posts from one of the social media sites ~ I can't remember the name, but I know it's not FB.  Some days I can just ignore her and bury myself in a task, and other days I just do a slow burn.  And I'm completely baffled as to why people believe - whole heartedly! - in this stuff.  Sigh.

Love, 365


  1. Cant you ask her to not discuss politics in the office. What a nutjob?
    I had my doctor tell mw she had a fever and was a little nauseous after her second shot. Took tylenol and went to bed and was just fine. I haven't hear of anyone needing to take off work. I have had only 2 friends have their 2nd and like my doctor it was the same reaction - took tylenol and next day was fine. I think they found a good excuse to call in sick and get away with it. :-)

    1. Oh yeah, calling in sick for a day off....of course, that was my first thought ~ I was trying to be generous :D
      Oh, Ms. Loud is planning on selling her last property, quit and move back to Montana. I am hoping she is not just kidding us all and truly plans to do it. I'm biding my time. Like I said most days I just duck my head and focus on some task, even if I have to dig to find one.

  2. Lucky you having had both shots. It will be months before we get even sniff of the first one over here in Greece.

    1. They really need to ramp up the shots ~ everywhere. I was lucky in that I work in the dental field, so am considered a front line worker. My husband did receive notice that he should be hearing from them soon though. I hope so, he is anxious to get it done!

  3. The conspiracy theory is just plain weird but so are the people that believe them. Sorry you have to put up with hearing that everyday. You darn well do need a rest day.
    I love lasagna. Haven't made it in ages.

    1. If you have an instant pot, you should google the recipe and give it a go. It was really good!

  4. I get dose #1 on the 9th. They schedule #2 when you get the first one.
    I have muted SO MANY people on the book o' face, I can't deal with the fucking lunacy anymore.

    I am afraid I would end up telling the co-worker to STFU.

    1. Good for you! The first one just gave me a sore arm (and I really worked it too) and felt a little tired the next day.
      Really, I need to work with this lunatic. And you don't want her on your bad side, she would throw me under the bus for stuff she makes up. Nope. Not worth it. Besides, I've told her many times that I don't believe in that stuff.

  5. We got our first shots today and the 2nd ones are scheduled for 4 weeks from today. I recall covering the John Birch Society back in the 60's. They had a lot of conspiracies too, none of which proved to be true, of course.

    1. Well, of course they aren't true. Although I can't for the life of me figure out why people (even intelligent people who are educated both by life, reading and higher learning) believe that crazy stuff.
      Hurray! It does make you feel a bit more comfortable. A little bit :-)

  6. Just say you've heard that those conspiracy theories are part of a more complicated conspiracy theory by aliens from planet Zerbon to confuse Earthlings before they take over and enslave us all.

  7. Sorry that you have to deal with Ms. Loud. So crazy. I think people like her have always been around but now they feel emboldend because of what Trump did for the past 4 years. Glad your shots went well. Take care.

    1. Thank you....it is a burden. The question is, can I deal or will I go crazy? Ha ha ha


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