July 23, 2021

The opening of the Olympic Games.....


As I sit to sip my coffee and plan my day, I happened to turn on the tv and see part of the opening ceremonies of the 2021 Olympic games.  It was so cool!  I'm sure you'll see videos online shortly.  The drone show was super cool.  

I love watching the Olympics.  Although it is made up of the best of many different countries, as we watch the efforts of these athletes, how can you not be inspired, and experience the joy of a winner no matter where they call home?  It is the height of achievement just to be chosen to compete.  I have always dreamed of going to the Olympics.  If I play my cards right, maybe I can go to the Paris games in 2024.

The weekend is upon us, and I think of what I need to accomplish....although if I don't get it all done, the beauty of it is that I can do it the next weekend :D  20 years ago I would have pushed myself to get everything done, no matter how exhausting.  I don't waste time, but I strive to embrace all of what comes my way and find a way to enjoy even the smallest of things ~ a beautiful flower in my garden, or getting that spot out of one of my favorite shirts, haha.

Yesterday I took the afternoon off to help the "baking committee" to make koulourakis, a Greek cookie.  I believe my friend (who is the kitchen queen, lol) said we made around 900 of them.  Boy, it was hot in that kitchen!  The baking will go on for weeks.  Once baked and packaged, it will be frozen until the Greek festival in Oct. The baking is scheduled on Tuesday and Thursday, so I won't be able to participate often, but it's fun to do.

***Sioux update: After a particularly bad day on Wednesday, she had a much better day yesterday.  Romeo is going above and beyond.  I think the end is in sight, but Romeo doesn't think so.  Yesterday evening I told him I would support whatever he wants to do.....what I didn't have the courage to say was that it is killing me to watch it.  

Better shower and get going....enjoy your weekend!

Love, 365


  1. Our hearts go out to you. We had one rubbish day and a pretty quick recovery. There is no way that watching a daily decline wouldn't be killing you. Try to continue to enjoy the moments and 'making the most of your weekend' could be just sitting breathing the same air for a while.

    1. Yes, I do try to steal those moments of ear scratches and pets. Just trying to make sure she knows she is loved. :-)

  2. I am seeing this with my dog. I'm so sorry you are having to experience this. It's gut wrenching isn't it?
    I found the opening ceremonies odd with no one cheering them on. Even Simone Biles said it just doesn't feel as competitive without the cheers and jeers. :-(

    1. It is awful. I'm sorry you are dealing with it too, Izzy is such a wonderful dog.

      It will be odd, not having family, friends, and fans out in the stands. This morning on a pre-Olympic show they discussed how some athletes are pushed to perform by it, while others may perform better without it. It'll be interesting, for sure!

  3. Just not as inspiring as they used to be now that all the athletes are professional. I will be watching Simone. Her skills are incredible and her smile infectious.

    1. She is amazing! I am awed to watch her on the balance beam or the vault. I agree that it has changed from years ago.

  4. A "wise" person told me years ago when we had our first corgi that the corgi would let us know when it was time. She said it to me when he was just a pup. But sure enough 10 years later when his cancer returned with a vengeance he did let us know. It is the hardest thing a pet owner has to do. I'm sorry you'll be having to potentially make that decision shortly.

    I wish sports hadn't turned political. For me it takes away the enjoyment of watching them so I doubt I'll be watching much of the Olympics this time around :)


    1. I just ignore politics ~ after years of practice, I'm pretty good at it. I won't be letting them control me watching what I enjoy!

      I agree that when faced with a devastating illness, especially cancer, you just know. With Sioux's illness, the line of no return is a bit more blurred. I have thought the end was near many times already. Romeo doesn't give up though, and she has had quite a few good days in a row.

  5. 900 koulourakia. You heroines. Someone should make a movie of your cooking events. What October festival are you keeping them for, St Dimitrios maybe or a Greek National day on the 28th.
    I watched the beginning of the Olympic ceremony twice but got bored by the end of the woodworkers dance. I usually love it and thank goodness for highlightd. I love it when all the teams march into the stadium. Sooo many countries and so many I've hardly heard of.
    Now we are watching a greek play ping pong. Thank goodness they are only 6 hours ahead of us and we can see most events live, when the greeks are competing

    1. Yes, I am stuck watching most things well after they have happened. I didn't really watch much of the opening ceremony, but thought the drone show was spectacular. I wish I hadn't missed the ping pong! It's amazing, isn't it? How do they even see the ball????
      Our festival is always held the first weekend of October, to coincide with the International Balloon Fiesta. We get lots of folks from out of town during that week, but many that have a tradition of going after they've gone to see the balloons go up at the crack of dawn :-)

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