July 9, 2021

Advice is so easy to give, much harder to take......


One of my blogger friends has their townhouse for sale ~ a stressful situation, right?  And all I can think of to say is "don't worry, worry doesn't solve anything".  Ugh, I hate platitudes, but I guess I'm dishing them out without taking them :D  

We had another bomb handed to us at work.  Our office manager has a problem.  She doesn't manage much of anything.  Over the last 7 months she has dropped the ball so many times that none of us know what's going on.  But when we do find out, it's at the last minute.  Stress, anyone?

Not sure if I mentioned this before about how difficult it is to lose weight at my age.  I gained some weight during covid ~ what's up with these people that lost weight?  How did they do that?  I'm shoveling it down to stave off the boredom ~ that's a classic.  But do other people quit eating when they're bored?  I wish that would have been me, lol.  I tried counting calories ~ always a last ditch move.  I have restarted my gym membership, and I do see improvement there.  But the weight?  It is stubbornly hanging on.  So, I'm trying one last thing you might have heard of ~ intermittent fasting.  

The way it works ~ in 24 hours, you find one 8 hour stretch for eating.  That alone takes some calculation.  I know that I'm an "evening eater".  Plus Romeo and I like to have at least one meal together.  So, noon to 8 pm is my food window.  All I have to do is wait until noon to have anything.  Which is tough, but doable.  I do feel a bit cranky around 10 am though. The idea is that you burn through all of the sugars we normally get our energy from, and then begin burning fat.  I do know a few people that used this method successfully, but who knows if it will work for me. I'm giving it two weeks.  If nothing happens, then that plan is going out the window, and I'll just have to buy new clothes...

Oh, my :-)

Love, 365


  1. My wife is trying the 8 hour diet thing. I was going to but being as I only sleep 4-5 hours a night on work nights, it was a little rough getting up for work at 4 and going all the way until 11 to eat. I was trying 11-7 as I am a big supper eater and I used to skip breakfast anyways but getting up that early and being at work, I was starving by the time lunch rolled around (after noon). Needless to say, I didn't last long.

    Good luck with the diet!

    1. We will see. I absolutely refuse to weight myself every day (although some swear by it, I think it's a bit too obsessive). I certainly see the issues for you, that's a tough schedule! The worst of this is that I absolutely love breakfast. Love it. Bye bye, breakfast. Lol

  2. It is hard to lose weight the older we get. Three years ago before my niece's wedding hubby and me decided we needed to lose some weight. We did Nutrisystem which basically gives you no food to eat, lol, and charges you a lot of money for the food they send you. We did it for 2 months then I started studying how many calories they were allowing and we came up with meals that were similar and we kept losing. Hubby lost about 60 pounds, me about 50. We've put on about 10 of those back but the secret we found was eating something (small with protein) about every 2-3 hours. We were consuming about 1200 calories for me, 1500 calories for him, and we were dropping weight pretty consistently.


    1. Ah, yes. Calorie counting. Congratulations, y'all did so well! I did at least a month at the 1200 cal per day and nothing happened. I don't want to go below that because: I love food ~ I think it'll screw up my metabolism even worse than it is. My Mom has always had problems with weight, and I recall the doc told her that her metabolism was the lowest he'd ever seen. But she was never much on exercise, and I do have quite the love/hate relationship with it! But I feel better and sleep better when I do.

  3. Hey stick with it give it more than two weeks and don't think of it as a diet but a lifestyle change. I've lived 16/8 eating for over 5 years (decided breakfast had to go to protect evening family meal times) and assure you it takes more than 2 weeks just to get over a lifetime of eating breakfasts. I still get 10am munchies sometimes and drink a glass of water and find something to do. Properly managed 'fasting' does so much more than lose weight it dramatically reduces your chances of ever getting type 2 diabetes by helping your body take insulin levels down for a period of each day (instead of being awash with insulin from constantly eating) it reduces a hormone called IGF which is associated with inflammatory problems... if you need encouragrment to make it a lifestyle decision do some research and reading on the long term benefits of intermittent or daily fasting. I started when a friend explained that it was even practised by yogis from ancient times in the belief that your body needs 1/3 of the day to take in, 1/3 of the day to process, and 1/3 of the day to burn or expel. I like the idea that it kind of lets your body reset each day.

    1. You busted my bubble, haha. I am hoping that I will see something happening by two weeks! I certainly will, if I can :D I am not much on yoga, but do have a daily stretching routine. Thanks for the encouragement!

  4. Just loved the funnies!! I started doing intermittent fasting a year or so ago. I'm not a breakfast person so it was perfect for me. I've tried everything out there. I put on kilos over lockdown but have now lost them all. Weight is going down thank goodness. But I'm also now doing whole the food plant based routine. I'm in for every fad. They all seem brilliant, but keeping it up, forever, gulp, is my problem.
    Keep persevering. one kilo gone is a victory!!

    1. For sure, any diet plan is difficult to keep up. The one thing I simply can't do is give up carbs. Especially during fasting periods! I live on hummis, salads, beans and tortillas. :-) I do miss breakfast.

  5. Whole-food-plant-based and oil free. Yeh, like oil free is going to happen. Not around here. Look up Starch Solution. Sounds against all common sense but works....

  6. Oh yes, I call it my Covid "19" (as in that's about how many pounds I gained and retained). I fully understand. The only thing that has worked for me has been strict calorie counting (use an app) and recording of food. It makes me accountable. Good luck on your quest. I've heard that intermittent fasting does work well. -Jenn

  7. I know a lot of folks who have had great success while dieting and doing it with intermittant fasting. And no, I can't relax and not worry. Worry is my middle name. :-)


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