August 14, 2021

All the crappy things go in threes I guess.........


If you've read my blog at all lately, you know what occurred last weekend.  On Tuesday I had a call from my sister that our Mom is not doing well at all.  I don't remember, did I mention that her dementia and Parkinson's worsened considerably after contracting the Delta variant?  One of the major issues is the difficulty in swallowing.  She is currently only drinking water from a spoon, a teaspoon or so at a time, and she can barely get that down. She is no longer taking the medications, and that is likely why her condition has deteriorated over the past 4 days.  

We drove to Texas yesterday, since we don't have the difficulty of driving with a dog, and dealing with her not getting along with other dogs (my sister has quite a big dog).  Romeo said we could do the drive in one day since there are two of us driving.  I don't know if we will drive back in one day or not ~ I am hoping I can talk Romeo into stopping somewhere to spend the night on the way back, because that drive is a killer.  The map says 10 hours, 20 min.  But you do have to stop to get gas, pee, eat something.  All in all, it took about 13 hours, and I don't remember those stops adding up to over 2 hours.  We ate the lunch we packed in the cooler standing up in the parking lot of a gas station.  For Pete's sake.  It's not the traffic, which wasn't bad.  So....not sure I trust Google maps.  Their time estimation sucks.

My sister and I went to see Mom today.  It was quite grim.  She is sleeping or dozing most of the time.  And because of the throat problem, she whispers, but at the same time slurring her words, so we can't understand 90%.  The estimate is that she will pass away in one to two weeks.  I would be surprised if she lives more than another week.  We will be visiting her again on Monday....that should give me a good idea of how much longer she will be with us.  

The third issue is now resolved, but apparently there was a group of Greek parishioners that were attempting to remove our priest.  They weren't successful, but it was another layer of stress for Romeo and I.  We just can't imagine why.  He is a wonderful priest ~ but I suppose they want a Greek.  What really blew my mind was that they were not truthful in their argument.  What the hell kind of person lies to remove a priest?  No wonder christian's get such a bad rap.  They are lying to one priest about another..... Ugh.  

One thing is that Romeo is distracted and handling the loss of Sioux much better.  So, there is that.  

I'm trying to figure out what to do when my Mom passes away.  Do I come back?  There won't be a "service" really.  She has already made her final arrangements.  In her will my sister and I will split her remaining assets 1/2 and 1/2.  I'm not sure what to do there.  Guess I'll figure it out.  My brain feels scrambled.  

If you are inclined to pray or whatever, please do.

Love, 365


  1. I am so sorry about your mom. I'm glad you have a chance to see her before she passes. I will pray for a peaceful passing and comfort for you and your family during these hard times. If your mom isn't having any type of memorial service, I don't see a reason for you to go back after she passes unless you have to help with managing disposing of her possessions, etc. But I think you will make the best decision for you when that time comes.

    Again, I am so sorry. It is really hard to lose one's mother so allow yourself the time you will need for grieving.


    1. My sister and I are planning to scatter her ashes in Pennsylvania, where she grew up. Perhaps we can go during the family reunion, which we haven't been to in a very long time.

  2. Your plate is certainly full these days. I'm sorry about the loss of your pet - it's never easy, especially when they linger for quite a while, not themselves. I lost my mom several years ago. It's a very strange thing to have happen. Just take it one day, sometimes one hour, at a time. You will figure out the details when you need to. Take care. -Jenn

    1. Thank you, Jenn. During times like these, we need all the kindness offered!

  3. While its devastating when a close family member dies, it's worse to sit with them day after day seeing them suffering a slow or painful decline. The end seems so cruel for some. And now you are getting a double dose of being the sitter! We will try to project a warm and embracing energy to surround you and Romeo.

    1. It sure would be difficult. I don't know how my Mom's caregiver does it. Thank God for him! I do hope she doesn't suffer for too long, because from what I can see she is very uncomfortable. Thank you for your kind words.

  4. Dispute in a greek church. Oh boy. I'm glad for you they didn't win but I'm not surprised to hear about it. Those greeks flare up over nothing. Hope there are no hard feelings afterwards.
    Thank goodness you saw your mother but these days and maybe weeks will be hard. Just sit with her as much as you can and let her feel your love.

    1. Tomorrow we go to see her again. We will see how she is doing tomorrow, but her caregiver did say she did a little better today.

      Yes, Greek's can be a bit contentious. They are judgemental and cranky. But if something happens, like someone is sick, or has had some calamity, they will come and help you, feed you, take care of you. That's what I love about them!

  5. You have a lot on your plate. Sending best wishes your way. Hang in there.

    1. We are doing our best. My sister and I have been depending on each other for support.

  6. I'm very sorry to hear about your mom.


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