August 28, 2021

Oh, my...I'm bothering the neighbors :-)


Peach/blueberry scones from my new cookbook (oh, yes I did buy another one) "Just Peachy" by Belinda Smith-Sullivan.  I purchased it while in Comfort, Texas during my trip.  I should have waited and bought it online for a lot less $$, but what can I say, I can be impulsive.  They turned out really well, except I rolled them out too thin, so they were sort of like a soft cookie that looked like a scone, haha.  We have one person from England and one from Canada, they can be rather picky when it comes to their scones.

In the meantime, I have been disturbing the neighbors.  Before we had to make an impromptu trip to Texas, I had ordered a bra ~ my seemingly never to be satisfied desire to find a comfortable one that I could wear to work, but mostly for home.  After my breast cancer, I can barely tolerate underwires.   So far, the search has been really disappointing.  And ladies, do you hate those cup thingies that slip inside a teeny tiny little slit?  And you have to take it out before washing supposedly.  I hate those things.  

Anyway, before we left for the trip I received a "your order arrived!" notice by email.  Nothing in my mailbox though, and after three days, I emailed them that I've not seen it in my box.  So, they sent me another one, and asked that if the first one ever shows up, to please return it.  Ok.  No problem.  So, of course, the second one arrives while we're out of town.  My mail is on hold, so I figured I would get it on Monday when I pick everything up.  

Only, when I picked up the mail, none of the expected packages were there.  USPS ~ oh, my I think they are totally overwhelmed with packages.  The lady helping me said she needed the tracking numbers, which would not come up on my phone, so I went home and listed them, called them back.  30 minutes later I received a call that all the packages have been found ~ with the exception of the bra(s).  After a lot of research, I discovered that somehow, while I was ordering, I put in the wrong address.  I called my neighbor Emily, and asked her if she knew the folks that live down the street from us, and she did.  She sent me their contact info, and I called and explained what I was calling about.  And wow, was she annoyed.  "I don't have any packages that don't have my name on them", oh and did Emily give you my contact number??  Uh oh.  I had jumped the gun and discovered hers was not the address I was looking for.  Yesterday I arrived at the correct address, and lo and behold, the young lady who answered the door had both packages.  

I think I won't order things on my phone anymore, unless it's Amazon.  And I certainly don't want to annoy Julie again.  She did not sound happy.

I know most of my neighbors, but a few of the houses in our cul-de-sac are renters, and we haven't bothered to get to know them.  Have I ever mentioned Romeo is not very sociable?  Ha ha.  

Have a great weekend, y'all.

Love, 365


  1. My Nana used to make griddle scones -rolled out thin and cooked on a big hot iron plate on top of the stove. They looked like yours do. Best scones ever. Best. Best. Best. My Mum threw away my Nana's old recipe book - all her handwritten recipes and notes and clippings etc - she said it was falling apart. I don't care about falling apart. I just wanted that griddle scones recipe.

    1. Maybe someone else has the's worth checking! Family recipes are like gold!

  2. The scones do look delicious! So if your neighbor had both packages, why was she holding on to them instead of trying to bring them to your house? Or at least leaving a note on your door that she had them. Odd. I ordered something from Amazon the other day in haste before starting work and accidentally had it sent to my DIL who luckily lives 10 minutes away from us. For some reason her address comes up as my default address to deliver to (as I have sent things to them directly in the past). I always have to change the address to have the items shipped to me but in my haste forgot to do it until after I clicked "place your order". I'll be getting the package from her this weekend, nothing I can't live without for a day or two :)

    We've been in our neighborhood for 5 years and barely know any of our neighbors other than waves to them or brief conversations in the front yard. I don't think we are very social either :)


    1. I guess I was tired when I ordered the bra, and auto correct misspelled my last name too, and really those two don't know me from Adam. It's really sad how neighborhoods aren't like they used to be, where we had block parties, and friends among our neighbors.

  3. Well you did find a neighbor that you know to avoid. SO there is that.

  4. Hey, email me if you want a really amazing bra recommendation.
    I have xxxxl bazooms, but even my smaller friends love this bra.

    I have lived in this house since 1996 and I know who my neighbors are, more or less. They have nothing to do with us, we have the same to do with them. We did have a wonderful neighbor to the East, but they moved away a few years ago and that was that.

    If you were to bake some of those scones at my house, they'd be gone in about 15 minutes. And we would not debate about whether they were cookies or scones. :)

    1. We do have neighbors we know, but it's not like we're friends, we just know each other, and watch out for each others houses when we're out of town. Otherwise, other than saying hello, or asking how the family is doing while we're out washing the car or trimming plants and stuff, we don't have much interaction. Which is ok by Romeo, haha.
      Yep, those scones were good even if they were thin!

  5. The scones look amazing. Nicely done. We have an interesting group of neighbors but for the most part we only interact with two of them. People have gotten a lot more reclusive and COVID isn't certainly helping. I also wanted to pass along my condolences to you about your mother. Take care.

    1. Thank you. It has been a difficult month/year/etc.

      The scones may not have been as thick as they should be, but they were delicious. Especially with the fresh peaches.


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