February 13, 2022

And, tomorrow is Monday.......


Lol, I love the last one best.....probably because I love Corgi's.  I have 15 weeks left, very close indeed.  I have most of my goals met, just one left to go, which I should be able to complete next month.  I do need to save up a little more for a trip my sister and I will be taking at the end of July.

We will be going to Pennsylvania to bury my Mom's ashes, and we scheduled it during the annual family reunion.  The question is, do we fly or drive?  My sis is not too keen on flying, so we discussed the option of a road trip.  Which sounds fun/not fun.  Fun, because my sis and I get along so well.  Not fun, because it will mean a 25+ hour drive.  We already decided to limit it to 10-11 hours a day, which is really plenty.  I would prefer 8-9, but we don't have forever.  We did a quick calculation, and figure the cost is similar, as we would have to rent a car if we did fly.  I just don't want to rush it all.  I would prefer to factor in some fun, and not a rush to get there and a rush to get back.  I really need to look at flights again, and check out the cost of a nearly 2 week car rental (yikes!).  Plus gas.  Plus food.  Plus lodging.  

If we do decide to fly, we'll have to check out the requirements for transporting cremains, which can be quite complicated.

She reminded me that my Mom's caregiver wants to go as well, but I did say that if we drive, I WILL NOT spend 25+ hours in a car with him.  He was a great caregiver for my Mom, but he never~stops~talking.  It would drive me crazy.  So we would have to pick him up at the airport.  So much to plan. 

Well, after tomorrow, I can scratch another Monday off my list.  Since I work every other Monday, it won't be that many!  

I hope you all have a great week!

Love, 365


  1. The trip sounds really complicated. I can see inviting the caregiver, I know the people who took care of my grandmother were so sweet. But I wouldn't want to be in the car that long either. I don't love to fly, but I HATE long car trips. Good luck figuring it all out.

    1. I like road trips, but as I said, as long as we aren’t on a tight schedule. If I see something interesting, I’d like to stop, check it out. Probably will be the only road trip she and I will take together, so I want to have fun!

  2. We are kind of partial to corgis ourselves :) That's great that you work every other Monday! Fifteen weeks will go by fast! I don't like flying (at all) and probably will never fly again (and not because of Covid; I hated flying way before that started) so I would opt for a car ride even though it would be a long trip. We drove from Oregon to Washington DC when my sister was getting married back in 1989 with a 3-1/2 year old and a 2 month old. We figured it was cheaper to do so than flying (I was okay with flying then). We allowed 2 weeks for the trip. I did hear that rental car prices had gone up, but then of course everything has gone up. So it will be interesting for you to compare costs between flying or driving out there.


    1. My sister has decided to buy a new (to her, it will be a used car) and drive that on the trip. Hopefully she will find what she's looking for, as it would drastically reduce the cost of the trip. I like road trips too! I could do either, but a nice cross country drive reminds me of when I was a kid and we drove to PA every other summer....

  3. I can't wait for your take on not working. I find it so odd and I am still not used to it. Now with Izzy gone most of my routines are off. I need a new retirement routine. It's wrong to start drinking wine with your cereal right? 😛 We are heading to PA for my moms 80th. We talked driving becuz flying is a petrie dish. But it's too long to be in the car for both of us. So we will fly and probably come home with covid.

    1. We are heading for Williamsport.....northern part of PA. Yeah, lately work has been so stressful, at first I'm sure it will feel like I'm on vacation, and with the happy thought that I don't have to go back after :-) We do have a trip to the north rim of the Grand Canyon 3 weeks after my last day. Then this trip with my sis at the end of July.

  4. The distances are mind blowing for folks from little islands like ours.

    1. 1,700 miles one way. I will take tons of photos! Then share.....it'll be epic!

  5. You've got a very long trip coming up. At least you've got plenty of time to sort it all out. Good luck with that.

    1. Thank you ~ even though it's months away, I will have to buy my flight to Texas soon.

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It's never ever going to end.......

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