February 6, 2022

The glacial speed of governmental agencies..........

Back in November, Romeo and I went to the post office ~ with an appointment ~ to go through the motions of getting a passport.  Romeo has his, it came in around the first of January, which is actually pretty quick as these things go.  

Unfortunately, my mother's name is spelled wrong (and really wrong) on my birth certificate.  I think I mentioned this in a previous post.  So, I first had to order a certified copy of her birth certificate.  That took about 6 weeks or so.  I mailed it, with all the requested information to the fine state of Louisiana (which is where I was born) so they could "amend" or correct my birth certificate.  I mailed it off right away, on Dec. 15th.  I had called a couple of times to see if they received it, and always heard the dreaded "no", and "the amendment department is 6-8 weeks behind" reply.  :-(  

Well, on Friday I called again, and hurrah! they have it.  Then she tells me it could take up to 16 (yes, 16) weeks for it to be processed and sent to me.  That's four months.  She said they are overwhelmed, and although she didn't say, probably understaffed.   Let's just say I get mine in two months like Romeo did.  It will have taken me nearly 10 months.  It's a darn good thing we didn't have a trip planned.  

Tomorrow I have an appointment at the MVD to renew my drivers license.  I have a huge packet of crap to prove I am who I am.  I feel I need the "real ID" since I may be flying to Pennsylvania this summer to bury my Mom's ashes.  Oh, I am so nervous.  I am going to be up front about the correction on my birth certificate, and hope they will be OK....I have her death certificate too.   I have all my marriage license info (we women have to prove our name change).  I have everything I need, I think.  Hopefully they won't deny the real ID, or I won't be able to fly this summer.  

I was lucky a couple of weeks ago (the keys), I'm hoping my luck will continue tomorrow.

Love, 365


  1. My husband does passports everyday at the PO. You're not kidding, it can take MONTHS. It is however, better than when 2020 first started. youngest needs a new passport in March as his is still a kids one (issued a few weeks before he turned 16) I told him to go get it done now as you never know when an opportunity will come up.

    But you know, as most 19 year olds will tell you, their Mom is stupid and doesn't know what she's talking about. :)

    1. Eventually our kids learn that Mom is really smart/brilliant/clever and that they were too stubborn to listen to! It does give you that "I told you!" moment.

  2. This is why my wife did not change her name when we married. Too much red tape.

    1. Well, Mrs C probably didn't have the horrific last name I had to live with until I got married. I happily changed my last name :-)

  3. Good luck at the MVD tomorrow!


    1. Thank you! As always I am optimistic that since you have to make an appointment that the wait won't be so long. Probably a pipe dream.

  4. Ye gods and little fishes, what a palaver . I thought our red tape, paper work and delays were bad. Fingers crossed that all goes well from now on.
    When I turned 60, years ago, I changed my driver's license and it took 2 years to get it issued but at least they gave me a flimsy stamped paper so I could drive meantime

    1. 2 years? Maybe the US recruits from Greece, lol. Kidding. I was rather shocked that it would take them 16 freaking weeks to correct my Mom's name on my birth certificate. And let's not forget ~ they are making me pay for their mistake. That's kind of nice, eh?

  5. That sounds so frustrating! Good luck with the "real ID". I need to do that, but keep putting it off. It was such a pain when I changed my last name and moved to NC that I really don't want to deal with any of it again.

    1. Danielle, I have procrastinated for 2 years….I only did it because my DL would expire on Feb. 20th. I sure did not want to deal with it, but I was able to get the real ID and have an 8 year window before I have to do it again. Whew.....


Oh Christmas, how you vexed me this year.....

  I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas!  I bought this multi planted Christmas cactus, now I'll see if I can keep it alive :-) Ha...