February 17, 2023

Technical problems, and potatoes.....


I am still having trouble commenting on some posts.  This copy is what I usually see....there are one or two I can simply comment on.  Most of the others I have to put in the name and url before commenting.  This has been going on for a year.  Now I also have to sign in to Google before I can do anything on my own. So annoying.  


Not sure if this video is going to finally process, but I hope you get to see Demitri enjoying the snow.

My most hated vegetable:

I hate potatoes....have always hated them.  Even as a kid ~ because when I was growing up, it was a rare meal that didn't include spuds of one kind or another.  Baked, in a salad, mashed, casserole, etc.  I don't like their taste, the texture.  My folks used to make me eat them, but I usually spit them out in my napkin.  I have no idea why they made me eat them, even after years.  I will eat hot and crispy french fries now and then.  Are those really potatoes?  Lol.  Most people think I'm crazy, and wonder how I've managed to survive without them. I do like veggies!  Even as a kid I liked brussel sprouts.  I think I'm not really Irish/German like 23 & Me reports.  :-)  

I hope you have a great weekend!  Happy Friday!

Love, 365


  1. I am with you, some of my favorite blogs are very difficult to leave a comment on, a few are impossible. When I see the white screen you show, I click on the down arrow to the right of Anonymous, then choose Name, then type my name Terra and then type in the next line https://terragarden.blogspot.com That is quite a bit of work to do, but that usually works.

    1. Yes, that is what I do as well, but it sure is annoying!

  2. I could not eat potatoes the 2nd time I was pregnant. They held the same appeal as wet cardboard or paste. I wasn't disgusted, just disinterested. It was so weird. I have to sign in to comment, but sometimes my comments still say anonymous. Weird.

    1. It just holds no appeal ~ cardboard paste, yeah, that's it!

  3. Demitri is getting lighter in colour isn't he. Does he chatter to you? Cairns reputedly are very 'talkative'. The commenting thing, we went through precisely that but fortunately it only lasted about a week. My humans can't belive that anyone wouldn't like spuds, but hey we have a grandchild who won't eat rice and that would be unthinkable in some other cultures.

    1. He is a lot lighter! The Mom was dark and his Dad was rather blonde. He doesn't do much chatter yet, that may come with time. We've been working on the indoor voice, with some success.
      Ah, rice.....I've eaten tons of it. My Grandmother would make rice just for me :-)

  4. I leave comments and people tell me they never get them. It's all a head scratcher when working with any blog platform. Demitri is so cute - Loved the snow beard.
    As for potatoes, we never had them much when I was a kid, except to be used to make gnocchi or we'd have a roast with roasted potatoes. They were something we just didn't eat often. We ate a very mediterranean diet growing up. Now - all bets off. I love potatoes!! In all forms even a tot. :-)

    1. My parents were from Pennsylvania...EVERY meal included potatoes. I have eaten gnocchi, and liked them...smothered with a sauce of course!

  5. BTW, you left me a comment about The Great Pottery Throw Down or whatever it is called. So we had to check it out. Gee thanks, now we've gone down that rabbit hole. We are hooked. :-)

    1. It's a fun show to watch! Have you watched The Repair Shop? That's a cool show.

  6. Being from the land of famous potatoes, I guess I should appalled that you don't like them but I get it. There are a few veggies I was forced to eat as a kid that I will not touch these days. Demitri does look like he doesn't mind a snow day.

    1. Appalled ~ that's the way most people look at me when I tell them I don't eat them. Haha
      Demitri loves the cold and the snow. So when summer makes its way around, we'll have to get up with the birdies...he doesn't like the heat very much!

  7. I am having that same problem. I have been googling sites to solve this problem. I will have to have my granddaughters solve it. They are 16 and 18. they know stuff.


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