February 9, 2023

Ready for winter to be over......

Yesterday was a big one for Demitri.....he is now lacking certain body parts, removed by our delightful and great vet, Dr Gonzales.  He had a tiny umbilical hernia repaired and a chip placed (although the chip is not really his concern, haha).  Yesterday was hard for him, but once I gave him a dose of the sedation meds, he slept through the night ~ not a peep.  We bought these "onesies" for dogs that have had surgery....


We highly recommend.....with the cone on, he just stands there ~ we just put it on for 15 minutes or so to see how he would do with it on.  The onesie is good for preventing licking and chewing ~ it's a bit of a pain to take it on and off for bathroom breaks, but all in all, well worth the money.  Right now he's resting on Romeo's lap with it off.  He's getting a little break before bedtime. He has a chew in his mouth in case you're squinting at the pic and wondering, what the heck?  Haha

So, I've been baking bread today, a great day for turning on the oven for an hour or so.  We had snow on Monday, but only about 3-4 inches, which was gone by mid-day.  

I used to hate seeing snow on Sunday night, knowing I would have to drive to work in it.  But these days, I just stretch in bed, roll over, and go back to sleep for a little while.  Oh, how I love being retired!  I can do ~ or not do ~ what I want to do.  But I admit my office is really awful and I need to go back to going through my closet, and arranging my cookbooks and other crap.  I still need to call the charter school that offers photography and see if they want any of my old equipment.  I doubt they will want the film cameras....Why would they?  Digital is so much more convenient.  

I hope all of you are staying warm.....come on spring!


Love, 365


  1. You've got lots of things to keep you busy. Thank goodness you retired!! All the best to Demitri

    1. Demitri says thank you! We've commented to each other that we are so thankful to be home all the time, and wonder how we would have managed if we were still working.

  2. You might be surprised who still uses film camera's - there are artists who rely on effects you can only achieve with photo film that you can develop. We have a friend who used 100year old photo equipment to achieve what she wanted for her art graduation exhibition. Best Wishes to Demitri (and F is beginning to envy you your retirement, commuting is boring she says).

    1. I sure wish I could find someone who would appreciate the two camera bodies and lenses I have. I don't think I'll have any trouble finding takers/buyers for the tripods though.
      We've reached the stage where he's healing and the wounds are more annoying than ever. Ugh.

  3. Oh they will want the equipment trust me! Glad Demitri is doing well. He looks so cute in his onesies. It's so difficult watching your dog be sick or healing after surgery isn't it? Happy healing!

    1. It is a real drag watching him struggle with it. The onesie does work really well, but he's becoming rather annoyed at the off/on process :-)

  4. Since I take many of my own black and white photos, I will use film. As to color photos, I do mine with a digital camera, with many different lens.

  5. Your pup is a cutie. There might still be a demand for cameras that use film. I recall helping my dad develop film in his darkroom in our basement.


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