August 2, 2024

I am....the tomato worm hunter, bwa ha ha


There it is, my nemesis.  A teeny little tomato horn worm.  The "stick" in the foreground is a toothpick, but I had to zoom in so you could see the worm.  

Romeo bought me a small black light flashlight, and it works!  I go out with a regular flashlight (so that I don't accidentally step on a pile of dog poo ~ yes, I do clean every day, but sometimes I miss one) and the black light one.  The worms show up, along with every other insect.  They glow!  

Caution:  if you get one of these flashlights, don't use it in your house.  My word, that grossed me out, and convinced me that I need to paint a few places in my kitchen.  Peg, just don't or you'll be washing the walls and scrubbing everything.  Yikes.

Almost every morning, we take these two terriorists (get it? haha) on a walk.  Of course we get up early and get out between 7 ~ 7:30 am.  It has been too hot, temps in the high 90s.  I can hardly deal with the heat anymore.  I sweat buckets.  When my friend and I went to the Lavender Festival, the sweat was running down my face, but I noticed most over people didn't seem to be as hot as I was.  When do I reach the age where I'm cold all the time?  I have a friend at church who always has at least one sweater on.  


"The Hill"...this is looking on the downhill side, which thankfully is on the way back.  We call it the aerobic part of the walk.  Plus it has a sidewalk, so we don't have to worry about the stickers in the doggy paws.  This is only a small part of the walk, so they have plenty of other chances to hold up the paw for removal.  

Demitri popped up on my lap for some pets and scratchies.  

Zoē with her lamb chop toy, waiting for us to get ready for the morning walk.

A beautiful shot by one of my cousins of the dairy farm.  Kittens everywhere!  

Keep cool y'all!  

Love, 365



  1. I'd hate that flashlight. Heavens know how my house would light up. Perfect for your garden bugs. Good hunting.
    Lovely dogs. Thank goodness those early mornings are cool enough to walk.

    1. I wasn't aware of what that black light would do in my house! I quickly turned it off and told Romeo not to use it inside :-)
      We are in the dog days of summer now, no nicely cool mornings anymore. I am so ready for summer to be over!

  2. Never thought about black light, not since college. Bugs are a curse. I planted tomatoes a few years ago. they were doing so well. then one morning a tomato bug (cursed things) had stripped them bare.

    1. Yes, they grow so fast, and once they reach a certain stage they are so hungry! I go out every other night ~ but before that I put on bug spray so I am not eaten alive by mosquitoes.

  3. Just popped over from Catalyst's blog, and enjoyed reading this so much! Terrorists, ha!

    1. Thank you for stopping in, and for your kind words! I love those pups, but they are a handful!

  4. I think I would be horrified if we ran a black light over some parts of our house. Sometimes you don't need to know everything. Good luck with the hunting, you stay cool as well and loved seeing the photos of the doggos.

    1. Yeah, don't do that! It was a real eye opener and not in a good way. Now I only turn it on after I've stepped out the door :-)


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