July 26, 2015

Is it just me, or did the summer zing by?........

I can't believe that summer is nearly over, and soon kids and teachers will be back at school.  Guess I'll have to leave a little earlier for work, to make way for all the extra traffic in the mornings.  Boo.

I have been at my new work place for about 5 months now.  My previous experience is that you discover the not so great parts beginning in the first week or so.  To their credit, it has taken me this long to discover that it's not perfect by any means.....although it seems that this place is as perfect as it gets in many respects.  Everyone gets along pretty well.  Which means that all of us are fairly logical and reasonable, with no real desire to dominate, manipulate, control or create chaos just for the fun of it.  At the same time, it is not perfect, because there is no such thing as a perfect workplace.  There are some resentments of others because they always seem to get what they want.  Here, I am talking about vacation time at Christmas.  Funny.  But, I detest taking time off at Christmas, because for 14 years I worked for a dentist that took one week at Christmas and 2 weeks the first part of June, and that was that.  If you wanted a week off at some other time, tough.  So, as a result of that (which was 20 years ago, lol) I really prefer not to take vacation time at Christmas.  Which means that I don't care, and sometimes find it strange that others find it such a great time to take off.  Unless you have young kids.  Besides, Christmas isn't my favorite time of the year.  It's tedious to put up decorations and a tree and move around furniture for a few weeks of the year.  I'd just as soon forget it.  I cam very close to skipping it last year, but Romeo wanted it, so I acquiesed.

~ Another issue I recently discovered was that we don't do yearly reviews.  Now, in my experience, an employer that doesn't review your performance, at least with you present during the review, is avoiding the expectation that a good review will result in an increase in pay.  In fact, one of my co-workers admitted that it is not unusual to go 2 to 3 years without a raise.  I admitted that at my one year anniversary of employment, I'm marching my ass (ok, I didn't say ass) right into the practice manager's office with a list of accomplishments/suggestions (that worked, of course) and so on that I feel I've contributed that increased the bottom line.  Then, I will ask for a small bit of it.  She looked up with an interested expression and told me good luck with that.  And then she told me a story (which I'm not convinced is completely accurate).  Basically she said she turned down a substantial raise and suggested that everyone should get one at Christmas (yeah, this is the part I find difficult, but maybe I'm to cynical) similar to the one they did a few years ago, but it didn't happen.  I'm really not too bothered about it.  Enjoying your work place is worth a lot more than earning more money.  But I won't sit by and let years go by.  Been there, done that, have the tee shirt.

So, I am still quite happy with working there.  I feel like I'm making a difference, and everyone is reasonable and easy to get along with.

Ouch......but notice my pedicure still looks fab!

Romeo and I have a history of DIY projects.  We've totally redone the landscape, which still gets a tweak here and there.  We replaced the carpeting downstairs to laminate flooring.  We remodeled the kitchen (although we had the cabinets and countertop contracted out), and did all of the tear-out, moving the gas line for the new oven, etc.  Recently I saw a DIY project on pintrest showing a remodel of the stair case from carpeted to wood.  Which we decided to tackle.  So, yesterday while we were measuring and cutting the stair treads (which required more than 30 trips up and down) I stubbed my toe....OUCH!  I am now calling it my little eggplant.  

Well, I need to get busy with the cake I'm making for work tomorrow.  Have a great week every one!
Love, 365


  1. I get a raise every year. It's a symbolic thing, I'm afraid, as 25 to 50 cents is not going to change my lifestyle. Of course one doesn't do day care as a retirement plan. :)

    My toes look like hairy peanuts. You will probably never see them on my blog. I hope your ouchie toe feels better soon.

    1. You see? Now I want to see your hairy peanuty toes, lol......thanks for asking, it is already much better. The bruising is moving up my foot, which I find clincally fascinating. But it doesn't even look like a little eggplant anymore, which I was enjoying. :-)
      At my last workplace I was paid on a salary, but now I'm paid hourly. So who knows, perhaps the raise every 2 to 3 years is .50 an hour. Or .25. As I mentioned, I may feel differently later, but at this point I am enjoying the overall "we all like each other & help each other out" as opposed to "one false move, and I'll gut you like a pig", lol.
      Thanks for stopping by....I never know if anyone ever reads this blasted thing.


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