October 29, 2017

I just don't get it

We have approximately 30 students in the class I'm currently taking ~ Catholicism in America.  There is quite a mix ~ most are in their twenties, more than half of the class is female.  There are two native Americans and a few that attend class in military uniforms.  There is one girl that wears her hair in dreads.  She is a pretty girl, with dark blonde hair...smart and capable.  So, why does she wear her hair in this horrible style that looks like a rats nest?  I just don't get it......

It doesn't quite look like this, but bad enough.....(Bing images)
I was reading a website on the care of dreads, and if you decide you don't want them anymore, the process of removing them is daunting.  
Especially the section on ~ bugs.  OMG

At the first class, the professor usually reviews his/her expectations for the class...rules included.  Our professor prefers we not bring our computers unless we are discussing a reading that was posted online.  Likely this rule is simply due to how cramped the class is.  The first couple of weeks ~ before students dropped the class ~ we were sitting 3 to a table, which only seats 3 if you have a small notebook.  Now the average is 2 per table, including those that prefer to sit against the back wall at the tiny desks that were put in to handle the overflow.  Of course, she also mentioned to please not use your cell phone either, but on Thursday, one student spent nearly the entire class texting and surfing.  She noticed but opted not to call him out on it.  I thought it was disrespectful and rude.  
This weekend was the annual Breast Cancer Walk in Albuquerque.
It was a lot of fun.....plus we all met our goal for daily steps/miles.

We treated ourselves to Mexican food at El Pinto....
Very "fallish" in the decor....

It was chilly at first, but warmed up nicely!

The Rio Grande ~ yep, it's usually pretty muddy.  You could walk across and probably only be in water to your waist in the deepest parts.

Enjoy the last bit of your weekend!
Love, 365


  1. I did a little reading. Never wanted my hair to look like that. Always thought it looked really dirty. Blech.
    But one time I took the summer kids to the zoo and saw this guy right here

    never have forgotten how strange it was.

    1. Drat, the link didn't work for me! But I know what you mean, nothing attractive about dreads.

  2. The Rio is really that shallow? Who knew? well not me. I can't fathom wanting this look. You can't wash it at least not easily. That in and of itself would drive me bat shit crazy. I get braids, I don't get dreads so I am with you on this one! Good Job on the walk!

    1. The Rio Grande is that shallow here in Albuquerque, which is why it looks so muddy. Plus, they don't narrow it with concrete, due to the desire to maintain the wildlife (there are tons of birds).
      Oh, and they do wash once a week....it's an extremely high maintenance option.

  3. Replies
    1. Dreads remind me of man buns....theres just no reason to go there.....


Two weeks and counting.......

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