October 16, 2017

It's that time of year.......

Oxidation.....can you guess what this is?  
Answer at the bottom!

I love fall.....the cooler temperatures, the beautiful blue skies against the backdrop of colorful leaves....it's tough to work inside when we experience this excellent time of the year here in New Mexico.  However, I don't love the allergies I've been experiencing along with the low grade cold.  I've been chasing Romeo out of bed around 2am with snoring.  Which is ironic because I spent years sleeping on the couch because he used to snore every night.  

It's also that time of year that I begin to lose my enthusiasm for the university.  I want to be done.  But I can't do two classes a semester because I just can't handle that much homework and reading along with working full time.  And I can't afford to take two classes financially either.  It's become a tradition of sorts for me to feel frustrated this time of year.  Dissolusioned.  Anxious that it will never ever end.  Somehow I just need to put it out of my mind, but I haven't found an answer other than just turning away from the thoughts, sort of like how you look away at something distasteful.  sigh....

I did manage to complete a huge project this weekend, so I feel good about that.  I had been letting the shredding of documents, and mail that I can't just throw away pile up.  I ended up with two large bags ~ satisfying to put it in the recycle bin.  Now I need to move on to the closet.  

I doubt seriously that we will receive our mid-term exams back tomorrow, but hope springs eternal, huh?  I need to start on my oral history report soon, but I haven't yet heard from the person I hope to interview.  I'll likely move on after Friday of this week.  I can't wait forever for her to decide if she wants to participate.

The aforementioned picture of the colorful leaves and sky.....I took this pic on Sunday.

This is the answer to the "oxidation" issue up top.  It's just a close up 
of the hood, but I thought it was cool.

Enjoy your week!
Love, 365


  1. FAll is my favorite time of year and the shortest season no matter where I have lived.
    I don't know how you do school. Was it difficult going back after all the years that had passed? I just started reading you so you may have addressed this. I am not certain I could take a full course load at my age. I admire you that you can do this so well.

    1. More than difficult, it was scary because I feel so darned old, haha. But starting back at community college was great because there are so many more adults there, taking classes at night or online. I made some great friendships (two which are still active) and it gave me the courage to go on to the university, where I am surrounded by kids younger than my kids. I never take a full course load. While at the community college, I once took 3 classes, managed to finish them, but decided not to ever do that again. I would take two classes at the uni, but the cost (omg, I could have taken two or three week long trips to Europe, and why didn't I???). So, with one class per semester, it's a really long road. If I had the $$, I would quit working and go full time.

  2. Going to school has to be both rewarding and tiring at the same time. I don't think I could do it and I commend you for your determination to do it.

    I love the look of that old rusty truck.

    1. That cool old truck is sort of on display in a little alcove ~ appropriately at the anthropology building. I've seen it a million times, and for some reason stepped in a took a few shots. It reminds me of my Grandad's old red farm truck.
      What was really cool was his tool shed, which was on the second floor of the garage. I wish I could have had a few of his tools!

  3. Great stunt, photographing the close-up of the truck's oxidized surface. Autumn is wonderful but schooling was never my thing, I fear, and now I'm too old to take advantage of it.

  4. I thought the picture was an old boat hull. School can be brutal. It was almost 50 when I went back for my Masters.
    The classes took me a little over two years, but those years are a blur because it seemed like my life (and my wife's) was on hold. I'm glad I did it, but I'd hate to go back now.

  5. Just a thought, If I were you, I'd put FOLLOW and and FOLLOW BY EMAIL widgets on your blog.


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