October 21, 2017

My thoughts turn to........

Our beautiful blue skies are the perfect backdrop for fall color.

UNM campus color.

I was listening to NPR (I listen every morning during my commute) and they were discussing the healthcare issues that just aren't ever solved ......... in my opinion, they never will as long as healthcare is a FOR PROFIT enterprise ~ the CEO's of insurance companies ~ like 17 million just for Metlife alone (in 2011).  I don't have a problem with the idea that people need to be paid for their work.  Can you imagine what American health care might be like if the CEO was paid a few hundred thousand and some of those millions were used to help subsidize health care for the indigent, or simply to reduce the premium for families and individuals?  Staggering.  Won't ever happen.
Happily, the new WD season starts tomorrow.

I'm not watching many of the previous episodes from last season because......well if you watch it you know that last season was tough.  Our protagonist met a particularly wicked villain.   We shall see.....

 Poldark on PBS

We've been watching the new season of Poldark on Sunday nights too, and were worried that they would be on at the same time.....we don't own a DVR and didn't really want to chose which one we would watch, but I think they are one after the other.  Again, we shall see.  Have you watched Poldark?  It's an old British show, remade at least once.  We've enjoyed it, although dang, he has some mighty bad luck.  

Enjoy your weekend!
Love, 365


  1. Beautiful fall colors, those tree pictures are great.

    We are also ready for the Walking Dead to begin, I remember watching the first season and my wife mentioned how stupid it was and that it wouldn't last, funny thing is that it has and we haven't missed an episode since. The suspense is really out there we shall see what they have in store for us now.

    1. I'm hoping that Negan will reap the rewards for being such an awesome villain......and I don't mean candy and flowers :-)

  2. Beautiful fall color in your neighborhood.

    I finally watched "Hidden Figures" yesterday. Outstanding film.

    1. I will post a few more sometime today or tomorrow ~ thank you! I will have to check out Hidden Figures, never heard of it.....does it have zombies??? (kidding :-)


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