November 3, 2017

Oh, I have bald spots......

Shots from the garden

Apparently, I have been neglecting visiting the "adviser" at UNM to plan out classes I need.  I ran an audit to check on what I would need for the spring semester.  I already know I need history classes, but I was hoping to take a break from history for a semester.  But, no.  I need 9 more hours of history.  I won't be taking any breaks.  I haven't taken a semester break for two years, and I won't be able to take one the summer of 2018.  I'm afraid to take a break ~ I might not go back.  I got myself into this, I'm not going to quit now.

We've made our plans to drive to Austin with the dog over Thanksgiving.  Although it will be a long drive, I'm looking forward to spending Thanksgiving with the family for the first time since we moved here.  

We have seen dogs that are up for adoption and when I see one that will work with Sioux, I inquire.  Sadly other people seem to beat me to the punch.  I'm not very thrilled with these groups that foster dogs, as they never call me back, and a few days later I look on the website and the dog we were hoping to adopt is no longer listed.  I don't know how this all works....I guess next time I will ask them to let me know my chances.  The last one asked me if I could go that evening, but I couldn't, so I guess that meant to her that I didn't really want him, since I wasn't able to drop everything and go.  Argh.

Well, looking forward to our beautiful weather forecasted for this weekend!  I hope you have the same.....
Love, 365


  1. It's a bit chilly over here in Arizona.

    1. It's been warmer than average here, but I'm not complaining....not a huge fan of cold weather!


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