March 23, 2018

Submission and greed.....

(Bing images)

I haven't been on a scale in our 6 months.  That doesn't mean that I don't know what I clothes tell me.  Over the past 1 1/2 years I've put on a few pounds, and I've noticed some of my clothes are too tight to wear comfortably.  If I break down (because I haven't done laundry, haha) and wear one of "those" pairs of pants, I'm uncomfortable all day long, so I started putting them in the spare closet, and if they still don't fit (despite my efforts) six months from now, then I'm donating them to Goodwill.   So, the submission part refers to my finally going out to buy clothes in the next size, without beating myself up about it ~ which is tough for nearly every woman on the planet, because many of us feel we should look like the women in magazines, or that one person you know who never puts on a pound and weighs the same she did 20 years ago.  Argh......

Romeo never says a word.  I even asked him if a new pair of jeans looked ok, and he gave me a stare and said "you have to decide if you like them".  I laughed, then he laughed, and I decided I did like them......

I received my second essay (history class) on Wednesday.  He gave me an 89.  Not bad, but the first thought that ran through my head was "he couldn't have given me one more freaking point?".  Here's where the greed comes in. I have already reviewed my GPA, and know that if I get a B in this class it won't change it one bit.  So, it's ok ~ I tell myself.  I don't need to get an A in this class to graduate summa cum laude.   I consider this class relatively easy simply because other than the occasional quiz, we don't have exams.  We're writing.  Have you read much of my blog?  You know how I feel about writing ~ I think I'm a decent writer, but each and every word that goes down on paper is ripped out kicking and screaming.  I obsess.  I re-write.  Etc.  At one point I realize there's nothing else I can do and I turn it in.  I've finally reached the point that I don't think about it after turning it in until I get the grade.  So, I'm happy enough with an 89.  Really.

"90% of consumers say that positive online reviews influence their buying decisions"
(Bing images)

Do you read reviews?  I do...Amazon, etc.  I pride myself on checking out the reviews of products before buying, although I read them with a grain of salt as well.  Now I hear that there are companies out there that post fake reviews.  And I'm not surprised at all, in fact probably like most of you, I've had my suspicions.  If I'm looking at a product and suspect that the reviews are just a little "too good", I'll do another search.  

Oh, but everything you read on the internet is true, right?

Love, 365


  1. Every woman I've known thinks she should lose at least 5 pounds...I think most of them are wrong.

    1. Yep, we're pretty hard on ourselves ~ as soon as we begin those awful teenage years it becomes something most women I know think about a lot. Geez, when I put it like that, I realize its been over 35 years and nothing has changed. Crap.

  2. I am in that place right now with my jeans. I need to buy new ones, but....

    As for reviews. I have a strong opinion having a business where people leave reviews of such nonsense. We had 102 perfect reviews. The one that stands out to me is the crazy woman who bitched a fit about not being plumbers. We worked in her bathroom we should just do plumbing too, we're in there. Yes, you do your hair in there too but we aren't hair dressers. But we can't give a rebuttal. And on Yelp there are 8 reviews that are not shown. All customers and all gave us 5 stars. They tell me its their algorithms. BULL. Just post all of them. It is such nonsense. But like you I read them all and if there is one or two not so great I read those and figures, this person is either nuts, expects too much or what they complained about doesn't bother me.

  3. Our OM is obsessed with reviews. I think there's some merit to it, as I mentioned....I do read reviews, but not for doctors or dentists. I suppose I never read ones for the dentists since I work for two. What's the point, as I get free dental care with them? But when it comes to contractors, I suppose I would, especially if I don't know anyone who knows someone to refer. It's not really surprising that a business would spring up to supply reviews if paid enough, but looks like we all ought to think about that when we read them. When I see a vehemently negative (or positive), those are the ones I feel have less credibility.

  4. I am at the place now where I dont weigh myself and let my clothes be my guide (I will go back to weighing, but right now exercise and strength lots of strength is the primary goal). I used to do reviews for books and such on amazon for pay. My reviews were honest, and I required that I had the prodct to review, but I'm aware that there are others who dont. In general, any review that is "verified" which means they actually reviewed the product or says "I received in exchange" is probably pretty reliable. I'm about to review a pair of hand made scucculent earrings which my daughter says she loves and are exactly like the pic but took over two months to arrive.

    ETA I do review most places. Because unfortunately, negative reviewers are more prolific than the positive. So when I receive good service or love a restaurant I put it out there.

    1. I agree and do the same (although I will not be dragged into Yelp, I can't stand that company for some weird reason). I've put out my reviews, and I still use reviews when I'm thinking of buying a product. My plan was to increase awareness that not all reviews are legit.....and it gave me something to write about. :-)


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