June 22, 2018

Thankfully it's Friday......

Oh, how I enjoy Friday.

It's funny though, that at our morning meeting this morning we were discussing our very last patient of the day, who is "very nice" and always thanking us for our time and efforts, but drives the clinical staff crazy with her 30 minute long question and answer sessions.  That's why we schedule her an hour where anyone else would be 30 minutes.

She was our last patient of the day.

We actually could have been done early, but 20 minutes after we should have been done for the day she's asking us questions at the front desk about her insurance, which required a phone call and a fax for information before we could finish up with her.

Of course, she thanked us for our time.  And asked "Oh, I haven't kept you late have I?  Am I the last person today??".

It drives me crazy that people don't ever take the time to understand their insurance benefits.   And no, it's not the reason I have a job to do.  It's one of those things we end up doing because we need to have the patient pay for their portion.  Most insurances we're familiar with, but this lady's insurance required an explanation in her mind to let us know that her family company is in insurance.  And she's the only one who doesn't work in the family business.......and it shows.  She assumed she had this fabulous plan that pays for adult orthodontics.  Which it doesn't.  And her plan is right on par with the majority of our patients.  It's really nothing special, but of course I didn't mention that.  Why should I bust her balloon?

Medical insurance is very difficult to understand, and I get that...I barely understand ours.  I know the basics.  If something is coming up, I call and ask.  But dental is pretty straightforward, and it certainly benefits you if you understand the basics.

"Just read the booklet they gave you..........please"

Love, 365

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