July 11, 2020

It's the little things that make you crazy........

A swallowtail visited my butterfly bush.....he/she(?) was about as large as my hand.

This was a tough week.  We are on week two of being short one person, which puts a strain on us all.  Because we don't close at lunch, we stagger it, which is fine except that Ms. Loud pretty much insists on taking lunch at noon.  That way, she can miss the craziness of all those patients checking out, and eat lunch at her desk (she runs errands or something when she leaves) in the down time of 1 to 2.  It's not that big a deal, but it annoys me.  The one day I planned on asking to go at noon she had a phone conference scheduled, so she took noon again.  It's a little thing ~ the little thing that drives others crazy after awhile.  And yes, of course she plans it! 

Our hygienist that I've written about before is now working a few days a week.  As I had always thought, it is not her UTI, it's not her sinus infection, it's not her blood pressure meds.  It is plain and simple anxiety ~ which is really not plain and simple at all.  We've had to employ the temp agency to provide us with a hygienist for nearly two months.  Last week our OM had a call from the agency that there is no one available on Wednesday.  She asked me my opinion on calling our hygienist and I said sure, go for it.  And she agreed to come.  But then, at 6:30 in the morning she called and said she couldn't do it.  The OM told her "you can let this control you, or you can take control of it", and she decided to come in.  Luckily (not for the practice) for her the first patient failed to come, giving her the opportunity to relax a little.  She made it through the day and the next, but did not offer to come on Friday.  I don't know what will happen next week.  We are just taking it day to day for now.  I get it.  It's stressful.  They have a ton of ppe to wear.  She's just not really up to it.  But I think it's wrong to keep the office in a perpetual state of uncertainty.  She needs to figure out what to do because we can't keep on this way ~ hiring temporary hygienists is very expensive.  I figured this out long ago when I had to hire someone at my old office, but I did see the bill last week.  Wow. 

In two weeks I will be in Texas.  After a bit of discussion with Romeo, I am driving my own instead of renting one.  My car doesn't even have 20,000 miles on it yet, so it's time to take a long road trip!  I had the oil changed and fluid levels checked and the tires rotated yesterday.   Unfortunately it is summer in Texas.  Somehow it seems as though I always end up in Texas when the weather SUCKS!!!  I still have plans to return in October if I still have enough paid time off.  The estate sale rep is meeting me on Tuesday, which gives my sister and I lots of time to take out what we and the grandkids want to keep.  So, as far as I know, all is set up and ready to go.  Murphy, please take a hike.  You know Murphy right?  Has his own Law and everything?  Die Murphy, die........


Have a wonderful weekend!
Love, 365


  1. Be mindful in Texas. The place, like Alabama is covered up with COVID cases.
    Also, one of those beautiful butterflies visited our yard this evening and I got a picture. It’s not as good as yours but it will have to do :)

    1. Yes, I plan to be very careful, social distancing and wearing a mask at all times. With the exception of when I meet with the estate sale person, I don't plan to be around strangers. I'm not there for vacation, but will be spending a lot of time with my sister and my brother-in-law.
      I was really lucky with that photo, the swallowtail kept coming back, so I had plenty of opportunities!

  2. I think Ms. Loud needs to learn how to compromise. That would bother me, too. I hope you have an excellent, calm, safe trip coming up. -Jenn

    1. Actually I think that I need to speak up and ask for the noon lunch time at least once or twice a week. If I don't ask, she assumes.
      Thanks for the well wishes. I think I will be spending a lot of time saying prayers and listening to podcasts.

  3. Lol, I've said that in my head many many times :-) She's one of those people that means well, but if you have an opinion that is contrary to hers, she gets a little crazy. Which is why I try not to engage in those conversations.

    Thanks for your well wishes. There are no sights to see, west Texas is likely one of the most boring drives ever. But I am thankful for my air conditioning (it's been a year and it's still so wonderful!!) and all of the other comforts it provides.

  4. Murphy's Law certainly feels like it is full control this year. Hope things get sorted at your office soon. It sounds incredibly frustrating.


Two weeks and counting.......

  Happy Valentines Day! Apparently I have resting mad bird face, lol. They are so cute, but this is an accurate depiction of walking with Zo...