July 2, 2020

Happy Birthday, America...........

Credit: https://i.huffpost.com/gen/1585786/images/o-GRAND-CANYON-RIVER-facebook.jpg

The United States of America will turn 244 years old on Saturday.  Not very old in the grand scheme of things. 

It is my home, my birthplace, and when I die, it will be the place I'm buried. I love this country.  I have always loved it, even when it made me cry. 

It is beautiful and hideous, all at the same time....

Slums of Detroit
Credit: http://www.mikerembis.com/images/Sarena2.jpg

We have freedom and oppression and discrimination and the opportunity to create our own idea of the "American Dream". 

We have politicians that inspire or embarrass and everything in between.  We have policies that never change with the times, or reflect the desires of the American people. 

Are there problems?  Sure.  There always have been and always will have.  It's like your Grandmother.  You love her, and she loves you.  But you don't take your girlfriend to meet her because she will drink and say things that mortify you, and all your childhood secrets will be exposed.....

We are the people of the United States of America.  We do our best to make it a great place to live, or we don't do enough to make sure that everyone has a fair shake.  It is an enigma wrapped in ugliness with a beautiful bow, spritzed with air freshener.  I still love my country.  I'd rather live here than anywhere else. 

Happy Birthday!
Love, 365


  1. Where else have you lived to make that statement? I have never lived anywhere else so I can't say that. In my hometown the folks say that. They never left a 6 mile square let alone another state so when they say it's the best place to live, how do they know that? I know you love it here, you're very comfortable here so there is no reason you feel to look elsewhere right? I think that is great!!! I wish I felt the same. I was born here but I'd leave if it was allowed.

    1. The only other place I lived was Japan, since my Dad was stationed in Okinawa. Japan has truly beautiful areas, the gardens are unmatched, the people are so honest, the cities are very clean. But it isn't home. It's not America. It's so crowded that you have to have a permit proving you have a parking place to buy a car.
      Besides, how would I visit the Grand Canyon, the Redwoods, the Texas Hill Country? Most importantly, where would I get my green chile? lol

  2. I love this country too and it has its problems. The current administration has compounded those problems in so many ways. I do believe that it will take us a very long time to recover from the damage foisted on us by the minority of the voting population. One thing you can say about people that live in fear....they will vote. They will express their fear, bigotry and hate at the voting booth.

    I did a search and the picture you posted is actually the Philippines. Not saying it couldn't happen here but most large cities would have bulldozed that before is was a smidgeon of that size. We Americans don't like to see our poor and homeless enmass.

    1. Thanks for giving me the heads up on the photo ~ I've replaced it with one that is actually from Detroit, Michigan......and I think we can all agree that there are problems no matter who the president is. I was not a big fan of Obama, but I didn't go out of my way to criticize his every move. Nor do I do that with Trump. It is what it is, and truthfully the sheer hatred I see makes me sad. Our election system is broken, but no one wants to fix it, despite the obvious issues. And the bigotry, hate and fear is not limited to any one group.
      Have a great 4th!

  3. I can't think of any other place where I would like to live. Visiting it one thing, but putting down roots is sad. We moved to Ireland with our three young children back in mid 80s. Beautiful, but not home.

    1. If there were one place I wouldn't mind giving a try is Ireland, simply because my ancestors were from there. It's not called the emerald isle for nothing though, and not sure I could handle all the rain....

  4. Hope you had a happy 4th. Despite all of its problems, I love America too and I am hopeful we are on the road to fixing some of our shortcomings.

    1. Hope springs eternal! I have lived long enough to be totally jaded, and have little faith in politicians.


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