January 1, 2021

Finishing things up......

 Happy New 2021 to all of you!  Here's hoping for a better year ~ although if I remember correctly 2020 didn't really have a crappy start.  It had to work up to it.....

We did what we always do on New Years Eve ~ have dinner (pizza), watch a movie, go to bed.  Luckily we only had a few fire works go off nearby.  We did get up early and went to a church service, which I planned as I figured most people would be sleeping in, so not many folks there.  I was surprised!  The church was as full today as it was on Christmas Eve.  

This afternoon I did the final baking of cookies that have been in the fridge for a week or so.  So, we had freshly baked Christmas cookies on New Years Day.  I am so glad that I have no more baking to do until my friend and I do our bi-monthly bake.  We try new recipes, or try to perfect older ones.  Right now her kitchen is torn up, so I will be hosting.  We always have fun.  

I no longer make resolutions.  Do you?  My usual one was to lose weight, and well, that's just not happening.  Resolutions are a tradition that are short term, because everyone I know gives up by the end of January.   This was always most obvious at the gym.  There would be lots of new members that fizzled out in 6 weeks or less, haha.

Well, we are going to finish off the posole tonight for dinner.  Here's hoping that 2021 will make that all important turn around from the crap we've had in the last year!

Love, 365


  1. I don't do resolutions. A date on the calendar isn't going to help me suddenly do X or Z or whatever. I admire the idea of it, though. New start and all that.

    We were in bed by 10:30 last night, lol.

    1. I admire the idea of it too ~ but we rarely have the fortitude to make permanent changes just because a new year starts! I find that permanent changes occur due to a catastrophe (sort of like the one we're currently experiencing, haha). We have been doing our workouts outside or at home these days, which makes the dog so happy!

  2. No resolutions this year - not even after eating my way through the holidays. We had pizza on New Year's Eve as well. Did I mention eating? -Jenn

    1. Lots of folks went with pizza ~ there was quite the line going out of our local pizzaria!

  3. No resolutions for me. Happy New Year!

  4. We still do a 'take stock and resolve to change somthing' but i try to make it an outward thing like - do a #2minute beach or street clean at least once a week, or smile at strangers and say good morning in passing. This year its 'do more to reduce single-use plastics in our household consumption'. They are easier to see through a year somehow. At least resolve to keep blogging...

    1. Hmmmm, yes perhaps looking more closely at the larger picture instead of focusing on ourselves. I like it!

  5. I googled possible to see exactly what you were eating and then tried to say it with a Mexican accent. Pity you couldn't hear me and have a laugh.
    Sounds to me like a hearty tasty dish. No use even thinking of making it. Traditional Greek person would turn up nose!
    Resolutions ? Naaa. This time it's me laughing. Been there, done that. Waste of time. I'm older and wiser. I did decide on new years eve not to eat anymore Xmas cookies . That didn't even last till morning
    Have a good one!!

    1. Posole is what I googled Mr Google, not possible , Poole or poodle

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. It's pronounced "poh-soh-leh" (hope I did that right). It is a simple stew, dominated by the red chile that is the base, with onion, garlic, pork and (usually) dried posole/hominy (which to make things more confusing, can mean the same things). It's filling and spicy! Warms you up on a cold day. I don't think Greeks would be lining up to have it though :-)

  6. Happy New Year! I hope all is well and 2021 is going well. No resolutions for me either. I just try to be kind and be better than I was the day before. It is more of an evolution than a resolution. Take care.


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