December 26, 2021

Merry Christmas to all!....

 Ok, I'm a day late.....the reasons are both good and bad 🎄  Hmmm, while I tell you the bad, I'll see if I can dredge up how there's some good somewhere.

On Wednesday we had our office Christmas party.  It would be the last for so many of us ~ one of the long term employees gave her notice last week (shocking pretty much everyone) ~ the other four, which includes me, are retiring at various points in time by mid-summer.  So, I had taken more care with my white elephant gift than I had in the past, and curled my hair (lol, that is a big deal) and went off to work.  It had been decided that everyone attending the party would need to have a rapid Covid test that morning before the 2 pm party.  There are a few other folks that were coming, retirees, and one of our largest supply reps.  As usual, we would work half the day, then go to the restaurant for the party.  Around noon people that could started to peel off and go home to change, or go to the restaurant early.  I was one of the last to leave, discovering a number of computers weren't turned off, shutting everything down as I walked out to my car.  As I walked through the parking lot, I thought ~ hmmmm, I don't feel great.  I feel ok, but not great.  Dismissed that and drove on to the destination, which isn't far from work or home, which turned out to be quite lucky.  For me.  Sort of.

I arrived, and as I got out of my car, I thought ~ no, I really feel weird.  I peeled off my coat thinking maybe I was just too warm.  Grabbed the gift and went in.....and almost instantly went in to the restroom to vomit.  So, you see, I missed the last Christmas party...because I doubt I will go to next year's, even if I'm invited.  It'll be too odd, and I won't know or have any kind of relationship with all the new people.  Truthfully, I probably wouldn't go any way, even if there weren't lots of new people.  Not to mention a new dentist. 

I spent the next 72 hours horribly nauseated and not to be disgusting, but the other end wasn't much better.  So, not covid, which confirmed my negative test Wednesday morning.  I could not eat, and was barely able to hold down liquids.  Lost about 5 pounds from Wed - Sat.  I was able to move around a bit by Christmas day, and had a little food, and today I've been much better.  But if I over do my activity, I feel like I'm going to faint.  No stamina, and a slight headache.  I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, it was truly dreadful.  You know, a simple gastroinstestinal virus.  They show up at the most inopportune times.  

My poor Romeo had to care for me, and although I survived :-) he leaves a lot to be desired as a nurse.

No, of course, I would never say that to him.  

So, I've been thinking about the good part of all this, and I haven't really come up with anything.  I caught up on my sleep?  Oh, yeah, there is the loss of pounds, but of course, that won't last, haha.  

I already told my OM that I won't be in on Tuesday, and that will be true even if I feel good enough to run a marathon.  (imagine an evil grin)

I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas!  I am looking forward to New Years, we are have a couple over for gumbo, which is sort of my specialty dish....and the rug I ordered for the dining room will be here tomorrow, so it looks like my luck is changing a bit.

Love, 365


  1. Could still be covid, the tests are a bit iffy especially with early infection. If it was only you then yeah, probably a stomach thing and not covid. Look at me a retired paper pusher talking health issues with a health worker. Anyway glad you are better, Have a Happy New Year!

    1. You sound like my eldest son….but then he knows a lot of people who have Covid (lives in Texas where the mask mandate went out the window months ago). My poor little grandson is sick with Covid again! And poor guy sounds awful.
      I am actually looking forward to the New Year!!

  2. Sounds like something I had a few years ago. Couldn't even keep my own spit down. ran its course in about 36 hors, but left me weak and wrung out. Hope Boxing Day saw you doing better, and the New Year does you a solid on your retirement.

    1. I have had this particular roller coaster ride before (haha, sitting on the toilet with a bucket in front ~ sorry that was really gross). I am better though! I felt good enough to bake bread, do laundry and clean the bathroom. So things are looking up.....5 more months to go before I'm free from alarm clocks and bullshit at work...thank you for stopping in, and Happy New Year!

  3. What a way to spend the holiday! Not fun at all!! Glad you are feeling better though!! Did Romeo get sick (yet?) My DIL's family always make gumbo for Christmas. Haven't tried it yet though, but it is supposed to be really good and their specialty. I've yet to make it myself.

    May 2022 be a healthier start for you!! Happy New Year!


    1. I imagine everyone has their own recipe for gumbo……I was born in Louisiana when my parents were stationed there. At some point a neighbor/friend of Mom’s gave her some pointers and a cookbook ~ although I never found the cookbook when cleaning out her house last summer. The one my Mom taught me to make has a whole chicken, a link of kielbasa and a pound or two of shrimp. It’s fabulous. You should have no qualms about diving right in :-)

      Have a great New Year's!

  4. Well that's one Christmas you'll want to forget but probably won't . Good news that it wasn't covid.
    Good news that you feel better and get another day off.
    Hey, and that's one Xmas you lost weight instead of putting it on. No need for post holiday diets 😅
    Seriously, I really do hope you're feeling much better. Now it's Happy new year

    1. Thank you,this morning I woke up and realized I feel like myself again! Yay! We'll always have the "hey, remember when you thought you were gonna die that one Christmas?" and hopefully laugh about it. You're right ~ it's a first to lose weight! I really don't recommend it though.
      I hope you and your family have a great New Year in 2022. For pete's sake lets get this pandemic outa here......

  5. Oh I'm sorry, it sucks to be sick but during the holidays it is the worst. Glad it wasn't covid. Here's to a great 2022!

    1. Yes! I have a lot of hope for 2022 to not suck as bad as 2021. I hope you and Rick transition to your new home and neighborhood too. Hey, and try not to get lost :-)

  6. Wowww not a great way to spend a festive season - we hope you are dancing again by New Years Eve, and have a great time of it then. Best wishes for 2022 (and the next 5 months in particular). F and Mr T

    1. Why, thank you! I am actually feeling like my usual self this morning. What a relief....
      Happy New Year!


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