December 8, 2021

Oh, this is too good........

 Before I get into this, I can't comment on any of your comments, nor can I comment on any of your blogs....a little glich on bloggers part?  Or maybe my computer....

Oh, yes, the rooster here has a point in this story....

My youngest son, in his middle 30s, is single.  He's never had a long term relationship ~ he's not spent the time, nor does he apparently feel the need.  He dates someone for a month or two and then it's over.  He may end up as one of those lifelong bachelors you hear about.  I was hoping he would get married and have a child or two, but a parent's hope often goes unrealized, haha. 

Anyway, he recently started a new job, and he is back to being a diesel mechanic.  Prior to this he took on a job in a garage dealing more with the public, but after a year he hated it.  He's a lot like Romeo, he has very little patience with fools and I imagine he had to deal with a lot of them at that particular garage.  It looks like mechanics are in short supply, which sadly means he is currently working 12 hour days, and has been having mechanical problems with his own car.  He's stressed and tired ~ no wonder.  Well, I knew he would probably not do anything as far as Christmas decorating.....I saw a small live tree that comes complete with lights and decorations, so I ordered it for him.  Let him know approximately when it would come, and then ~ with all the nonsense that is going on at work, I promptly forgot about it.  Earlier this week he asked me again when it would's that story.....

For some reason I couldn't find any information about my order in either of my email accounts, which I thought was odd.  Nor could I figure out the payment method after a quick check (usually Paypal, but not this time!).  So, I called the company, gave them information, and they had someone call me back.  

Did the guy have an accent?  Of course he did, but it wasn't too bad, his English was pretty good.  Our phone connection was awful, I had to keep asking him to repeat himself, which prompted him to inform me he was calling from his home.  And there was this horrible crowing sound, about every two minutes.  And it was loud!  I tried so hard to pay attention to what he was trying to tell me, but that stupid rooster was on a roll....

Finally in frustration I said  "if you could just get away from that damned chicken, maybe I could hear you"!  

I have never said that phrase to anyone in my life, and don't expect I ever will again, haha.  

My son had a nice little chuckle over that :-)

Love, 365


  1. Ha ha, funny chicken story. Did the tree arrive for your son? I am having trouble commenting on about half of the blogs I visit, is this a big blogger glitch? I am happy I can comment on this post of yours.

    1. The tree is due to arrive on the 15th ~ I certainly hope it won’t be delayed! I have found the only way I can respond to comments or to comment elsewhere is to write, copy and paste. I don’t know why I’m having this problem!! Argh!

  2. Oh my goodness this made me laugh. I've noticed a great deal that people are working from home with dogs barking and other animals. I actually said to someone are you working from home or can you bring your dogs to work? He said he was at home. I said you may wish to go to an area where your dogs aren't barking. But we went on and I had to try to hear him over a couple of dogs yapping. It was so annoying. I worked from home most of my adult life. This would never have flown for my company. So I find it odd that it does now. But then most are working from home due to the pandemic that will never be over and they don't have protocols in place I suppose. But yes, those dogs were annoying and if there had been a rooster I would have laughed and said the same thing as you!

    1. Oh, that rooster was so loud! I wonder now if it was right outside his window.... There are lots more people working from home, for sure! I would love to do that, but not a possibility, haha...there have been times I sure wish I could. One of my co-workers really had a grilling from a grumpy older guy over things the dentist didn't tell him ~ I'd be willing to bet he said nothing to the dentist when he was in the chair though. :-)

  3. Thanks for the chuckle. I hope your son enjoys his tree.

    1. I think he will! It'll sure be better than the one he has right now :D

  4. We would trade our neighbours screaming scooter alarm for a rooster. F's about to go out and knock the dashed thing over so that the wind can't rock it about and make its movement alarm a continuous nuisance to the whole neighbourhood. If we go offline Fs been arrested for property damage.

    1. :D I would do that too! It’s kind of a toss up for me on the irritation factor though….that rooster just.never.shut.up!

  5. So frustrating when you can’t hear and/or understand the person at the other end. I can’t even imagine crowing added into the mix. Funny story! I’m stopping over from Betty’s place.

    1. Glad for your comment and visit! I knew the minute that phrase came out of my mouth, I'd likely never say it again....but with the frustration the laughter only came after. :-)

  6. That is a cute story!! Having to deal with English as a second language computer technicians for our customer support when I did medical transcription, I can understand how difficult it is to try to understand what someone is saying and background noises of crowing certainly would not help! Reminds me of when hubby and me were talking to a friend of ours on my hubby's cell phone on speaker and Winslow was playing with one of his squeaker toys. Our friend said "I didn't know you guys got a bird" to which of course we all laughed when she realized it was the dog :)

    Your comment came through okay on my blog so no problems on my end :)


    1. His English was really very good...we just had a terrible connection. Then that stupid chicken, haha. Great story about your bird, :-)


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