March 20, 2022

Come on, spring....go away wind :-)


Our spring winds haven't really started up yet.  One day we have an inch or so of snow, and the next day it's 55-60 degrees.  I was always surprised at people wearing shorts and tee shirts in New Mexico even in 50 degree weather, but I guess after 27 years her I've acclimated.  Today I wore a skirt (bare legs, no hose or tights) and tee shirt to church, but to be fair, I did wear a jacket :-)  This mornings temps were around 47 or so.

This coming Tuesday I will be 10 weeks out from retirement!  Time somehow seems to be speeding up ~ but I believe that was helped by the "spring forward" we experienced a week ago.

Romeo has been working on our taxes, but he hasn't been grumpy......yet.  It's all very strange, because usually he's stressed over it.  Good ol' Turbo Tax.

Putin is continuing his crazy war, and innocent people are dying and being displaced.  It's a horror every day on the news.  And did you hear this?

From the New York Post, dated March 15th, 2022   Ben Kesslen writes:

Matveychev then said he wants “the return of all Russian properties, those of the Russian empire, the Soviet Union and current Russia, which has been seized in the United States, and so on.”

That includes Alaska and even Fort Ross, California, a small area in Sonoma County that was at one point the Russian Empire’s southernmost outpost in North America and was sold off in 1841.

This is apparently to compensate Russia for the economic sanctions imposed due to the invasion of Ukraine.   He is deranged. 

Let us all pray for the innocent.

Love, 365


  1. Wow! 10 weeks isn't very long!! That is great news! I'm not fond of the wind at all though we have had more wind this March than previous Marches. In fact today is one of those windy days :) I do think we acclimate to where we live. When we first moved to Phoenix we thought 95 degrees was so hot. Now 95 is pleasant and anything over 105 is really hot :)

    Yes, prayers for our world and prayers especially for Ukraine!


    1. Lol, 95 is hot! My fav temp? 75-80. Perfect temps for hiking, gardening, walking around. I used to live in San Antonio, and 95 and up was common, and humidity on top of that. At least y'all don't have a lot of humidity!

  2. I have heard for years that Putin was a monster, I had no idea just how deranged he is.

    1. I had no idea either, but I was always disturbed that Trump and he apparently saw eye to eye on some things anyway.

  3. Of all the weather conditions, I hate wind the most. I don't like the cold, I don't like the heat, I don't like getting snowed or rained on... but I HATE wind.

    Putin is a sick and twisted caricature of a human being and I really hope something terrible and permanent happens to him immediately.

    1. Omg. You don't need that extra stress from Putin. It reminds of the crazy burblings of the Turkish president who wants to take 100 Greek islands and half of northern Greece.
      Can't someone take out Putin and give the Turk a boot in the backside as well.
      10 weeks and counting down!! Yehhhhh

    2. Ami: Yes, wind is the worst! I used to love spring until I moved here ~ although I do love it here, just switched my fav season from spring to fall :-)
      LA: I know, I need to stop watching the news, or at least cut back on how much.

  4. Congratulations on getting to ten weeks. It will fly by and before you know it, you'll be retired! Prepare yourself for a change. I am surprised that Putin has lasted this far, but I suspect he is holed away somewhere and not easy to access. -Jenn

    1. I am both excited and scared :D But ready! It doesn't hurt that we're having a lot of changes at the office, which makes me glad I'm leaving.

  5. 10 more weeks. Then you will be like, now what? It's a shock to your system no matter how ready and no one could have been more ready than me. It's going on 6 months now and I'm still not in the groove of retirement. I think it must take 1 full year. Then again I made it worse by relocating during this so what the hell do I know. :-)

    1. I know, it is rushing up at me like a runaway train. I'm sure it'll take awhile, but we did plan a couple of trips, that should help. And I need to get in shape for all the hiking we will be doing! :-)

  6. Having been retired for the last 10yrs., you will love it.

    1. Well, although I am slightly nervous, I am mostly (90%) excited to begin this new journey, of which I have NO experience whatsoever! I have some big trips planned that I hope will ease me into it.

  7. Sounds like spring in Idaho and spring in Nex Mexico are quite similar. 10 weeks out from retirement? I hope it goes by fast for you.

    1. It is speeding up, now that the end date is close!


It's never ever going to end.......

Zoe-Zoe (which is what I call her most of the time), disgusted with the orange buffoon, decides to take a nap.  And hopefully dream of chasi...