March 26, 2022

Let's see how it goes........


On April 1st, our state will start selling.  I drove past an old gas station that has been boarded up for years, and noticed it will be a dispensary in less than a week.  I'm not sure how this will all go, especially in a state known for it's drunk drivers.  Although it may not make too much of a difference, as I'm sure those that drive while high have already been doing that.  

I am planning on going to one of these dispensaries, perhaps purchase a little.  It's been many years since I've smoked any ~ and I quit back then because it made me so paranoid.  Perhaps age has mellowed me somewhat.  I'll write a little report on the experience, lol.

The atmosphere at work has been evolving, partly due to our new front desk person (who is only 25, and loves to remind me how young she is at every available moment).  *Alissa (not really her name, and not the new front desk person) has taken over much of the office manager duties.  *Betty (who is our accountant) has taken over some of those duties too.  I find it funny to see how she is doing her best to be super helpful to the docs, all smiley and cheerful.  She (Betty) is an interesting person.  Her husband is a now retired pastor.  Being very nearly 70 (I think that birthday is this year), I am surprised she wants to continue working, but hey, maybe she doesn't want to be with him 24/7 yet.  And although I don't feel that way, I've seen it before!  

The new girl is very sweet, but also has some backbone, which is an admirable quality in the workplace.  I have asked her a few times to learn something new, and I discovered that asking is not the right approach:  you just have to give her the job and tell her to ask if she has questions.  It's weird, right?  I always wanted to at least appear to have interest in learning something new, but not her.  Lol.  Hey, in two months she'll be all up in it, and I'll be sipping coffee and watching the news in the morning.  

After having snow on Tuesday and Wednesday, it's going to be 70 degrees today....spring.  Have an enjoyable weekend!

Love, 365


  1. Arizona started selling January 2021. Honestly, other than buildings being repurposed like that old gas station where you live, I haven't noticed any difference with it being legal here. I remember when we lived in New Mexico when we went to get our driver's license we had to take a "drunk driving class". Not sure if that is still a requirement but I remember being offended that we had to take such a course when we were not ones that imbibed and drove (okay maybe we did it a couple of times). But at the course when they said the intent of the class was to help drivers spot drunk drivers and keep safe on the road, it made sense. I think New Mexico is one of a handful of states that keeps DUIs on people's license records forever (California takes it off after 10 years, Arizona after 7 years). Anyway, do let us know about your experience shopping in your new stores :)

    Sounds like the office is coming together and will be able to function upon your retirement :) I like learning new things at work; I think it helps one to become more indispensable, lol, so no matter how it was asked or told, I would welcome learning everything I could :)


    1. Oh, yes, I remember taking that class before receiving my NM license. It is rather offensive that they assume you're going to drink and drive. DUI's have always been a problem here.
      I suppose the office will function without me (haha). What will be really interesting is the new doctor. He has been coming in now and again, but not when I've been working. The doc that is retiring is getting excited about his last day, which is not far away!

  2. California has legal dispensaries. Now, to avoid expenses, registered people (Monica) are mobile, which is helpful. I live in a retirement community where the elderly deal with pain constantly. The CBD helps deal with the pain, feel better.

    1. I do not like CBD's, they don't agree with me. Not sure why though! Today is the first day the dispensaries are open, and I saw a line forming at one while I was on my way to a doctor appointment. I will try some of the regular stuff, see how it goes.

  3. It's funny you say that about your dispensary. It was legal in DC. (which is where we went)
    In VA it just became legal and we moved. When I had my shoulder surgery I was in such pain. I can't take percocet or vicoden. I had hallucinations with percocet and vicodin gave me a horrible set of hives from head to toe. Nothing was working. A friend going through chemo for breast cancer suggested I have some of her pot. I told her I quite in 1980 because it made me paranoid. Well I took it and it worked like a charm. No paranoia or pain! Now I use the gummies for that since smoking bothers me a bit. Oh yes, it is so much better today than when I was young. I will say if driving high you tend to drive much slower and your reflexes are slower so I feel it should be the same as drunk driving. Only to be done at home or have a designated driver. Who knew at 66 I would be using pot again right? The eye situation with the one cancer drug I have to take will make me nauseaus. The doctor asked if I wanted anti-nausea medication. I asked him about pot. He looked at me and laughed. He said that would be fine. I said then I don't need the anti-nausea perscription. He said, that works for me. It even felt weird to say that to my doctor but I'm 66, screw it. I don't care what people think of me. It's not like I'm always in a haze like 1974. :-)

    1. I have been reading about your issues with the drugs, I certainly hope you find something that helps! For some reason CBD's don't work for me. Maybe it's the other ingredients in them that bothers me. So I'll go the old fashioned way, see how that goes!

  4. Tigger that like my 'weed'? F grew my weed in the garden at home and I used to roll in it. These days I only get the dried stuff rationed out of a jar. You need opposable thumbs to get the lid off that, so I want my garden back (especially now that I'm getting older and a bit stiff in the joints.)

    1. Hmmm, is it the same weed? I think it's a bit different...I've had furry family members that really loved their catnip. One became so overjoyed I had to limit their exposure :D

  5. I'm in Northern California near the green triangle. It's always been part of the culture here so I noticed no difference whatsoever. The weed is much stronger than it was back when I was younger and before I had my children. Also if you are taking any medications, taking CBD supplements counteract against the supplements. In other words, your medications won't work as well. Most people who have committed to CBD and THC, has committed wholly. They don't take any medications. Always check with your doctor or find one that is experienced with MMJ.

    As for topicals, they are fine. WE used to grow our own (outside in our garden) and make our own tinctures. After the last 2 years we just never got around to it and I don't think we'll do it this year either. I don't smoke it - I have scarred lungs.

    1. I have heard it's stronger, so I'll be asking questions when I wander in. I won't do it often, I really don't need the munchies! But perhaps after a particularly stressful day, it'll help. We'll see!

  6. I had no idea what 'dispensary' meant. Glad your state is so open minded.

  7. As many people know, it is legal in Canada. What has happened in my area is that every town has at least two or three stores. I’ve never been in one- not my thing. I’m a red wine gal. I’ve heard that regular users don’t like to go to the stores because it’s more expensive and less potent than what they used to get illegally.
    Retirement is getting closer for you- soon you’ll see if you like being home with your husband 24/7! Ha ha! -Jenn

    1. I can't drink wine ~ it usually gives me a horrible headache. So, I would like to try it again, it's been many years.

  8. I hate that it's legal here honestly. It just forced the illegal crowd into full force for the under 21-ers, and all I hear from "the kids" is that if it wasn't safe it wouldn't be legal". *sigh*

    That said there are HUNDEREDS of strains now. Tell the agent that you had paranoia before and I'm sure they can direct you to one that will give you more benefits than not. Or better yet, grow your own so you know EXACTLY what is in it. You can get seeds ta the dispensary as well. It does help with pain and anxiety. Sometimes the CBD strain isn't enough.

    1. Yes, I have thought of the "safe because it's legal" argument (although we now know hydrocodone is legal (with a prescription of course) but not at all safe, so terribly addictive. I doubt I will try to grow it, as that may encourage people to come in and steal it.

  9. Looking forward to hearing how the new cash crop does and if you have a better experience than you did previously. I haven't used marijuana since college and didn't really like it when I did. And you are one day closer to retirement.

    1. Oh, yeah, the retirement date is really close now. I don't know how I'll like it, that is, until I try it!


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