July 26, 2023

I think I have ADHD......


I made an appointment to apply for my passport with USPS.  There's an online site where you do this.  I did that, but I think I never hit the submit button, so when I went today, they said they didn't have me on the list.  Oh, I was so mad at myself.  What a dumb ass I can be.  I did go online again, and scheduled again, and wrote down my confirmation number.  That will be two weeks from now.  I guess eveyone is eager to get out there, because I've heard that it takes a long time to get it.  But since I won't be traveling until around March/April next year, it doesn't matter much to me.  So, leave that slimy trail as long as you want, Mr. Snail, and I'll give you a snack when you get here.  :-)

Yesterday we had a bit of drama at festival baking.  Two ladies just don't like each other.  This has been going on for years.  One is super sweet, a really hard worker.  The other comes in late, does a little bit of work, always demands coffee be ready, and always eats whatever is out for lunch before leaving.  

I dare you to guess which one is the trouble maker. 

Lady #1 doesn't like to make baklava (and who can blame her, I don't like it either) so she takes charge of the melted butter (you wouldn't believe how much butter we use to make baklava).  She clarifies it, which is the correct way to make baklava.  Clarified butter means that it will stay fresh longer.  Lady #2 had a minor hissy fit last week and stated "I'm not making baklava with that, it looks like oil, not butter".  So she did do other things.  But I thought she was being childish.  And the chef ~ the one who went to culinary school, and is in charge of it ~ should have stepped up right then and there and explained why using clarified butter is the way to go.  

Yesterday, lady #2 came early and insisted she will be taking care of the butter.  Lady #1 told me later that she dropped the f bomb when they were "discussing" it.  So, the sweet lady left, really upset, and she said she isn't coming back.  Ugh.  Are we adults or children?  It was really hard to keep my thoughts to myself.  But I don't want to get in the middle of it.  I just want to go in, do my stuff, and go home.  I had enough of that sort of behavior when I was working.  

We go back tomorrow...I hope the chef in charge explains to Lady #2 how her behavior lost us one of our best volunteers.

Love, 365


  1. I don't think she would listen anyway.

    1. Neither one of them came today, but you're right...I don't think she would listen.

  2. I have ADHD. I frequently do 50 things at once and am constantly sidetracked. But I do know the difference between clarified butter and oil. Lady #2 ain't no lady.

  3. Oh boy, that's not a nice working situation. As you said, the chef should have stepped in straight away. Unfortunately the wrong volunteer walked out. Hope you finish all the baking without any more strife

    1. No one likes confrontation, and officiating is just as awful. We will finish for sure, but likely not with #1.

  4. a new reality show, My Big Fat Greek Fight Over Butter. Clarified butter or glee tastes just like butter
    in fact a richer butter taste because you took off the solids that rise to the top and remove right? Or am I wrong? The reason baklava is so darn good is the butter and that pastry dough. Mmm.....

    1. A new reality show indeed, lol! Clarifying butter means removing the milk solids and water that is in every stick of butter ~ some brands have more of them than others.
      It's like the story of the end of the ham being cut off by Grandma, simply because her pan wasn't big enough for the whole thing. The cook who ruled the kitchen before my friend took over, never clarified the butter, so in #2's mind, that is how it should be done. End of story. It's all just so stupid.

  5. Replies
    1. I knew what you meant, but I think I'm going to call it glee from now on. :-)

  6. It's faff but F loves making baklava - can you get her a visa to join your baking group? She promises not to backchat anyone. In our house baking is our of bounds since Mr B got diabetes diagnosis. The humans manage it with diet but F misses doing baking.

    1. I sure wish we could! I rarely eat baklava, it's so rich. I rather chow down on spanikopita or tiropita!


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