May 15, 2024

It's about thyme....

 I have an herb garden, with parsley, lavender, dill, oregano, basil and thyme.  The thyme, oregano and thyme wintered pretty well and are doing their spring growth.  So, time to cut back a bit.  I've already got some oregano drying, and this morning I cut a lot of thyme off too.  I love cooking with fresh herbs, it really does make a difference.  

Last year I had a black swallowtail caterpillar on the dill, and it munched everything, leaving only a few sticks.  But I hoped it would grow back, but no.  So, sorry butterflies, I'm going to pluck you off the first time I see you!  Fresh dill is amazing.  You can eat someone else's dill, lol.   

Romeo is helping the "loaves and fishes" ministry today, so I have a rare morning alone.  They cook food for 300+ people ~ Greek chicken, green beans, potatoes.  They are also cooking for a low income school today.  The organizers come and pick everything up, so all they have to do it cook it all.  

What to do?  The usual I suppose!  Take the dogs for a walk and see what the day brings.

Oh, and I'm having a lot of trouble posting comments.  Sent a message to blogger...lets see if they respond.

Love, 365


  1. I usually plant a pot of parsley for the butterflies. It's theirs.

    1. Do the butterflies know that's the one they're allowed to munch on? Ha ha

  2. Herbs are the only plants that flourish in my garden. I've got loads though oddly enough dill doesn't do well. I buy plants and they only last a month or so. And I love dill.
    Romeo is doing a good job there along with his fellow cooks. 300 meals is a huge amount. Does the church do that every day?

    1. No, they do this once a month! Who would volunteer for that every day? lol

  3. Rick is an excellent gardener. I'm best with flowers, he is best with herbs and food. We have a lot of herbs and you're right, nothing better than to cook with fresh herbs.

  4. I love herbs, mine are planted in an antique wheelbarrow, and are flourishing.


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