March 16, 2014

Signs of Spring...

Trees blooming on UNM campus....

Ah, Spring!  In New Mexico it means extremes of highs and lows.  We've had temp's in the high 60's and then yesterday we had snow flurries.  Luckily it didn't get too cold last night, 31 degrees is probably not so bad, especially if it wasn't that cold for too long.  So far, people with peach trees are OK.  Peach trees seem to bud and bloom as soon as the temp's warm up, regardless of the hours of sunlight, so no one wants a hard freeze, which will destroy most of the blooms/hence no fruit.  It really takes forever for peaches to ripen here.  In south central Texas, where I'm from, some peach varieties  begin to ripen the first part of May.  Here, it seems as though the majority of peaches ripen at the end of June or even July.  Its a long time to wait for a good peach ~ because the grocery store peaches are awful, in my experience.  

This week is our spring break at both colleges.  Since I am taking one at each, it's nice for them to occur at the same time.  I have a big Stats test that will take place on the Thursday after spring break, but our instructor gave us the practice test so we can work on it during the break.  Good news for me, as it gives me time to work on it, have some tutoring, etc.  I really need to make a better grade on this test.  Hoping for at least an 80.  Anything above that will be gravy.....

On the Forensic Anthropology front, I was surprised we actually had an e-mail from our otherwise absent professor (no, not the movie, lol), letting us know that she is crediting us for the first 2 questions on the lab test, because further review of the book/lectures showed we weren't provided enough information to correctly answer them (unless you were lucky).  This means I have a 92 instead of an 84.  This is not the first time this has happened in this class.  Makes me wonder if this is the first time she has offered Forensic Anthro online.  You would think that if it had been online awhile, these bugs would have been worked out already.  Although I am thoroughly enjoying the class content, the way the class is being handled leaves a lot to be desired.  The torq (my jaw) is that I paid an extra $100 to take this class online (because I couldn't find an onsite class outside of my working hours).  ***gnashing of teeth******

~~~~~in other weird news....

In North Carolina, a guy kills an 8 foot, 500lb boar.   

Enjoy your Sunday!  Love, 365

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