February 28, 2015

Snow day!!

Lots of snow this morning!

Almost looks like a giant upside down ice cream cone...

The water fountain looks like it has a big snowy tire sitting on it...

Woke up this morning to about 10 inches of snow...couldn't have happened on a better day ~ Friday night!  At least no one here at home needs to go anywhere.  We're planning to chill (snicker), watch movies, etc.  It's a great day for kicking back and enjoying being together.

My first week at my new job was great!  The staff seems very nice so far.  Dr. G (this is what everyone calls him) has a funny and ironic sense of humor.  If I believed in fate (but I don't) I would think that everything happened to bring me to this moment.  We ended the week with a party for the retiring staff member at one of my favorite appetizer places, Jinga.  I don't really like their entrees, but their appetizers are really good.  The way the schedule works, I will have a four day weekend, and then the following is a 2 day, then a 4 day and so on.  I have been pretty tired at the end of the day, with no trouble sleeping, which is nice.  All in all, I am happy to be earning money again!

Well, we're going to watch a movie.  If I feel like it, I might even shower and dress for the day.  Then again, I might just stay in my jammies!

Love, 365

February 21, 2015

Back to work!!!!

I'm not a teacher, but.....Credits..

Yes, it's true!  I start my new job on Monday, which is why I haven't posted lately, this week has been rather a whirlwind of events.
I had an interview on Monday ~ it was rather strange, because a friend had recommended me to the company she retired from 6 months ago.  It was rather awkward, because Linda was there with Tim (the interviewer)...as I was the interviewee, I don't know what label to give Linda.  I think she wormed her way in, is very close to Tim, and wanted to mediate(?) between the two of us.  As a result, they chatted about this and that, I managed to ask a few questions, and got a free lunch out of it.  Truthfully, although Tim enjoys Linda's company, the meeting was more social than business related.   

On Tuesday, I interviewed with a dental practice.  The first thing I noticed was the office setting, which is very nice and up to date...and I was happy to see a kids area with toys off to one side.  You don't normally see that in a general dentists office, although what do I know?  I haven't been in that many, lol.  I had "the tour" and was very impressed with their technology (they have flat screens mounted so the patient could watch a movie, or whatever), the cleanliness (muy importante), the friendliness of the staff.  Everyone was very nice.  Said a quick hello to the Dr's while on my tour.  The practice manager basically began the interview by letting me know how rare an opening in their staff is.....one of the ladies in the business part of the office is retiring....at 72!  OK, I was impressed.  After I left, I couldn't help thinking that if I had been working in an office like that one, I'd probably still be there, and I actually found myself hopeful.....

On Wednesday I cleaned the downstairs, vacuuming and mopping and the like...with a little rearranging of the living room furniture ~ which turned out to be a bust, I didn't like it, so moved it all back.  I heard from the dental office, asking if I could come in on Thursday to meet the Dr's, and to figure out what I wanted as far as salary.  I was so excited!  I might actually have made the final cut!  I finished up my house work, put everything away, and decided to do a little shopping for a new top to wear to the meeting (but surprisingly, an acquaintance who works at the Bobbi Brown counter, when we were talking about it, suggested I simply buy the hosiery, and wear an older outfit I already have, which is what I did).  BUT, I made a major mistake, and sprayed myself with a perfume I love, but too close to my face, and ended up with a migrane to punish me for such a stupid boo-boo.  I did not expect the spray to be quite so large, but I should have known better.  So, my shopping trip cut short, I managed to down a couple of meclizine tabs and sleep for a few hours.  

Thursday ~ I was kinda nervous, and kept wondering if I was overdressed for what the practice manager called a "casual" meeting with the Dr's....plus, no one really wears pantyhose anymore.  But given the pasty color of my legs at this time of the year, I had to, lol.  We talked, discussed some of the usual dental office issues, I left.  And I figured "I didn't get it, they are going to go for someone younger" because of the statement of one of the Dr's that they want a long term employee.  After my last experience, I told Romeo that "I will never again invest so much time with an employer ~ I've learned my lesson".  Kinda ironic.  Plus, there was never any question about salary.  Hmmmm.  So, when I got home I called Tim to do 2 things ~ let them know I'm interested in working for them, and to find out if they are making any progress.   While I was on the phone with them, the Dr's office called....I called back......they offered me the job!  

Just to let you know, I'm very excited and happy...but when she asked me my salary requirements, and I told her - she gasped (!) and told me what they are willing to pay.  Which beats the pants off of what the vet hospital offered, and I wanted the job, so of course I accepted.  But I wonder ~ why do they ask what you "require" when they already have a $$ in mind?  I suppose if I had said a few dollars per hour below what they are willing to pay, they would have started me with that amount.  Still, I hate that dance.  And I hate interviewing.  So, I'm glad that I now have a job and don't have to do the dance - for awhile.  I would describe myself as an optimist...but this whole experience has taken the shine off of optimism for me, and I remind myself that there is no real perfect job.  So, a little cynicism has crept into my psyche, which is just as well.

I thank all of you who have supplied encouragement (Ami) and suggestions (Ami).  :-)

Love, 365

February 13, 2015


Google images

Wow.  In the morning I might be feeling very positive, thinking all is going to be well, the afternoon might find me despondent or angry.  I don't really know how it's going to be until I get up in the morning.  I mentioned the working interview.....what a bust that was.  Why didn't the office manager tell me of the pay situation before we ever got to that point, I'll never know.  Either she assumed I knew the going hourly rate for receptionists at a vet's office, or purposefully didn't say.  Truthfully, I feel bad for those women working so damn hard and getting bupkis for doing it.

Anyway, I mentioned the phone call with my idiotic response.  Oh, that was fun.  I alternately laughed and berated myself for that blunder.  Then, I had a text from a friend who's previous boss (she is now retired) asking if I wanted to meet on Monday at noon regarding an opening they have....then yesterday afternoon I received a call for an interview on Tuesday.  Somehow, I have the feeling that one of these two interviews is going to culminate into a job.  Hopefully.

Otherwise, I am slowly working on my homework with mixed results.  It's very interesting, but it's rather like slogging through mud.  I need to transcribe my notes & have a list of questions and comparisons ready by Monday.  A friend asked me to lunch tomorrow, and as of right now I have 2 hours to decide if I have the time to do that, or if I should really be hitting the books.  I hate to disappoint her, she's been a good friend.

It has been truly beautiful here lately.  Warm, like in the 60's.  Sunny.  Not windy.  We are all loving it, and dreading the return of cold, windy weather.....surely winter will give several last gasps before spring arrives ~ which can be pretty chilly & windy as well.  

Well, gotta go!
Love, 365

February 11, 2015

What the hell am I doing?

The margarita glass in the forground hopefully explains this photo.....

I went to the "working interview" on Monday, and seemed very successful.  Then the office manager told me how much they were willing to pay, and I declined.  Seriously, I can't accept a job that would leave me pulling money out of savings each month to meet our financial obligations.  However, I don't regret the experience.

I could not sleep that night though.  I tossed and turned, but I was awake by 2am and never could go back to sleep after that.  At 4:30am I got up and started my day, but I didn't feel well at all, so I don't know if it's just stress (my first guess), or something else.  A few of my friends have been sick lately.  I had a call from a couple of places I sent a resume to, so I called one of them (the other indicated it was a entry level position that paid even less than the animal hospital), and while I was speaking to Kim, I said something really stupid.  She asked me my duties at my previous job.  After I gave her a run down, I said "Oh, and I really am great with dealing with people, and they like me!"  Oh, good grief.  I almost called her back to tell her I didn't mean to say it like that, that what I meant was that I have a good rapport with our patients.  It almost seems like I purposefully sabatoge myself in these exchanges.  WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME?????


February 5, 2015

...oh, and housework. Bleh.

Exactly.  (All are Google images)

Yesterday: I applied for four jobs.  One must have been an old post, because my e-mail didn't go through.  Did you realize that Craig's List also has jobs?  Someone mentioned it to me.  I notice there are a lot more dental jobs posted there than on Monster, Indeed, and local newspaper job postings.  Why?  I believe that it's free to list a position on Craig's list.  Dentists are cheap.  

     I folded some laundry.  Exciting.  Blissful.  Necessary.  humph.

     I spent nearly 2 hours cleaning the refrigerator.  Someone I know remarked "that must be one big ass refrigerator", but no.  It had been a couple of years since I had done the WHOLE thing.  Not just wipe down the shelves, which is done on a semi-regular basis (like when you go to pick up one of those plastic left-over containers, and you have to rip it out because theres a sticky spot).  Yeah.  This was the removal every shelf and bin, wash/dry, wipe out the walls and bottom (I found a dead fly in there) and then ponder how it all goes back together.  Find yourself telling the fridge "yeah, yeah, give me a minute" because the door open alarm is going off (it's just a beep.........beep........beep kinda thing).  Well, it's all sparkly for the moment.  Truth is I probably won't keep my resolution to do this every 6 to 8 months, lol.  It's not my favorite job.  If it's yours, please volunteer (weirdo).

You know what's wrong with this picture?  She's smiling......

Last night was racquetball "Ladies night" at the club ~ and my friend Pat had decided to do a "vintage" night....which meant that we were to wear short shorts & knee socks & any other vintage clothing we might have.  We played with 80's style racquets.  It was all fun except for the short shorts.  I told Pat I don't have any, so she generously supplied me with a choice of 3 pairs she had on hand.  I didn't want to do it.  I'm very self-conscious.  So I had an excess of wine to remove my self-consciousness (which worked), and woke up with a headache.  While there Sandi remarked on how much I've been cooking (& she heard the fridge story) and remarked "Jesus, you need a job!".  Yeah.

Uhhh, no dress, and certainly no apron..and that hairdo is totally inappropriate.
I wear my old jeans, and old tee shirt, and my hair is sticking up all over.
From attempting to pull it out.

So, here it is, Thursday, and I have to admit to myself that I am not going to hear from the vet's office receptionist position. :-(   I know that I screwed up that interview by admitting that I hoped not to work someplace where the staff bicker, fight, etc.  She looked at me & said "This is basically an office full of women", like I'd just said something profoundly stupid.  Which I guess it was.  Stupid.  Note to self: don't say what you think, just say what they want to hear.  Duh.
UPDATE:  I just had a call from Betty at the animal hospital for a working interview on Monday!! Woo Hoo!  I'm gonna pray ~ and if you're so inclined, please do so for me, k?

Ah, realism.  Other than the fact it's a cartoon.

And you guessed it: I polished the stone counter tops in the kitchen this morning, and cleaned the tile backsplash around the stove.  If only I could make some serious money cleaning, because I'm quite depressingly good at it.  However, I don't think I'd be happy cleaning up someone else's mess, because sometimes I get really pissed at how dirty my family can be at times.

Well, gotta finish up my notes for class this week.  It'll be a great break from cleaning.

Love, 365

February 3, 2015

Remembering...& pink morning clouds over Albuquerque

Pink clouds over Albuquerque, NM

There are mornings here that are so breathtakingly beautiful, you wonder why there aren't more people living here.  ~ Then I remember that New Mexico is a pitifully poor state, where the majority of the employees work for the government (state or city employment), or Intel (that has the reputation of cyclically laying people off & then hiring again), Sandia National Labs, the community college or university, etc.  Since losing my own job, I see that the pay scale for those without degrees is pitiful.  I even agreed to work for the animal hospital for less than half of what I was earning previously.  Not that having an anthropology degree is going to pave the way for some elaborate paycheck   :-)

As I was laying in bed this morning....I've been up since 5:20am reading The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri,a wonderful novel of a family that imigrates to the US from India (Pulitzer prize winner too).  First from the viewpoint of Ashiri, then from Gogol her son.  When Gogol's father dies, I put the book down on my bedspread, and lie on my side, thinking of my own father...how glad I was to have seen him before he died, when we hadn't seen each other in years....how sad I was to realize that his wife (never my step-mom, =shudder=) hated us, never mentioned us in the obituatry of the paper, and never offered us to take a small keepsake before we left that Saturday.  If I had been asked, I would have asked for the cast iron bank my Dad had since I was a small child, in the shape of a covered wagon.  It's not worth anything. But I remember opening it for a few coins to use in the school cafeteria, only to discover later on that these were old coins that Dad was saving.  Funny now, but he did not find it at all amusing at the time.  It is gone now, God knows where, possibly sold for pennies in some horrid garage sale she probably had before she moved back to Mexico, where she had extensive family.  The item I would have cherished gathering dust on someone's shelf.  Ah, well. 

Time just continues on, oblivious of our happiness, tragedies, mundane chores (today is laundry day for me).  Nothing can stop it, or make it go backwards, so that one can redo that one decision that has led to the loneliness ~ and at the same time exhilaration ~ of being a simple housewife.  It is funny, but I find myself feeling guilty of the simple pleasure of having nowhere to be at a certain time of the day, allowing me the luxury of enjoying the pink clouds that remind me of cotton candy.  It is beautiful.

Love, 365

Two weeks and counting.......

  Happy Valentines Day! Apparently I have resting mad bird face, lol. They are so cute, but this is an accurate depiction of walking with Zo...