March 19, 2015

Oh, God, I'm exhausted.......

Mum's flowers...

Zzzzzz...snort.....huh?  wha?  Sorry, I was zoning out.  I am so tired.  It's just still a bit of an adjustment of the time change (stupid, stupid....either eliminate it or let's just do it all the time, but enough of the twice a year change, damit!) and acclimating to my new job. 

Why I love my new job:
1)  The staff is so nice.  I've seen a few almost heated discussions, but they weren't hateful or back stabbing, or accusatory.  At first I was freaking out, but soon calmed down when I noticed no one else was concerned.  
2)  We have really great coffee, which given the time change, I really need.  Otherwise, I feel like a zombie...

3)  I can contribute!  Isn't this what we all really want?  To make a difference?

There are a few more reasons, but I am so tired, I can't concentrate.  I need to sleep...and tomorrow is Friday, so I can really work on my research paper.  (waaaah)

Love, 365  

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