March 29, 2015

Of baking, spring, and a very good day....

Recipe from my new cookbook ~ peanut butter sandwich cookies....

A few weeks ago I was crusin through Williams-Sonoma and came across this really cool cook book... 

The first recipe I flipped to was for a pink grapefruit sorbet, and I just had to have it.  I reviewed the cake recipe that is pictured on the's a pancake cake.  I've never even heard of this, and might try it sometime.  Looks interesting.  For breakfast, lol.

Two weeks ago I made my Outrageous Coconut Cake and took it to work, and of course heard some grumbling from the men...."it's for work, isn't it?".  So I made the peanut butter cookies pictured above.  Which are fabulous.  And peanutty.  I used an entire jar of peanut butter in the cookies and the filling, so they have a great peanut flavor.  My previous peanut butter cookie recipe barely had any peanut flavor, so I have ditched it and have adopted this new one.  

Friday, which began my four day weekend (I think I mentioned my new work schedule is a bit odd, but enjoyable), and I got so much stuff done, I amazed myself.  It was a good day.  If you're feeling a little blue, make a list and go for it.  Aside from excersize (which is usually good for boosting your mood) getting a lot of stuff done sure gave me a high.  The only black spot is the fact that I didn't work on my research paper at all.  I feel only a little guilty.  As I've mentioned, the looming deadline is a great motivator for me, and my brain squirts out some creative solutions that I don't normally come up with otherwise.  I hope my brain starts squirting soon.....

Spring has definitely arrived here in New Mexico.  Most of the trees are donning their leaves.  It's great to see after months of nothing but brown (well, except for the pines and junipers).  My wisteria is putting out flower buds, so soon I should have some color in the backyard ~ which is still a wasteland of doggy destruction.  We plan to plant a tree, and hope that said doggy will leave it alone! There is the possibility that she will think that we planted it for her to chew on.........

One other thing.......I feel happy.  And that's huge.

Love, 365

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