August 28, 2017

Monday, monday.....

Saved from a post on parents and kids on FB..

It's my every-other Monday off, and I have been making good use of my time.  I've read everything and made notes on the readings for class, so if there is a quiz, I should do OK.  Last night I was reading The Spanish Frontier in North America by David Weber...she asked us to read three different sections of the book, and I truly hope it is all we will have to read.  I couldn't sleep much at all last night due to how angry I felt knowing just how horribly our Native American's were treated by the Spanish colonialists, in Florida, New Mexico, and California.  *It could have also been the coffee I had mid-afternoon.  I really shouldn't drink coffee after 2 pm.  It sure was good though, Romeo bought me a container of Starbucks cold brew.  It's just plain coffee and I add what I want to it.  It's just too good.

I also did a trial run on a new (to me) route to take to class, now that I discovered there is more than one multi-storied parking garage on UNM campus.  If last week is any indicator, I will always be running to class since the prof. starts class at the moment her watch hits 9:30.  I might need to leave work about 10 min earlier than last week.  

An hour ago our electricity went out ~ probably for about 15-20 minutes.  Our stupid alarm system back up battery has been dead for a year, and we're going to have to replace it.  The noise was deafening.  I very nearly ripped off the plastic box off the wall that held the speaker.  

I'm planning on making another peach pie to take to work tomorrow this afternoon.  I won't make any changes to the recipe except to add just a tad bit more corn starch since these peaches are just so juicy!  Maybe I'll make a few cookies too since Romeo was searching the house for something sweet that wasn't pie.  He had already eaten 3 peaches along with the pie and wanted something different.  

Well, I still have a lot to do, so will leave you with best wishes for a great week!

Love, 365

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