December 23, 2017

It's time.........

Just another beautiful sky in New Mexico

Here I am, finally getting a little Christmas spirit going, and I received the annulment paperwork from my ex.  How interesting it is to read his "reasons" that the annulment should be granted.  I'm just a tad bit furious.  I'm attaching my own letter to the process.  I don't know that I would have agreed to this process had I known what I was getting into.  There were questions about my childhood that I refused to answer, because it's really none of their business.  But, it's done and I'll mail it off today.  

Beyond that little bit of Christmas cheer, I still have a few more things to do.  I would like to bake a few more cookies, and I need to figure out the menu for Christmas day, and get all the ingredients.  I should definitely do that today as I figure the grocery stores will be crowded tomorrow.

Even though I told Romeo not to buy any gifts for me ~ he does so much for me over the course of a year, by cooking dinner, laundry, house cleaning (no he doesn't do all of these things all of the time, but he does do it 80% of the time), I suspect he purchased a few gifts.  So, I need to go out and find a few things for him, although going to the mall makes me want to curl up into a ball.  We'll see if I have a great idea while getting ready to head out....come on, brain!  Think!

Merry Christmas everyone!

Love, 365


  1. I hope the mall is not too overly crowded and that you find everything you are looking for. Wishing you and Romeo a wonderful Christmas.

    1. I hope the same for you and Cindy ~ even though it's mostly over now, but there's still New years!

  2. Your exhole sounds like a peach.

    It's crazy crowded everywhere I go. We did our stuff early this morning, but even showing up 8 minutes after opening at the meat market was too late and too crowded.

    Eric and I do not exchange gifts. We only give to our kids. Easier that way.

    1. Re: exhale (snicker) ~ I have decided that I won't have to communicate with him at all anymore. I guess my feeling that we had a fairly amicable divorce was my own personal fantasy. Happy news though ~ we don't live in the same state. As long as son #1 can remained married, I think I won't be seeing him anymore.

      It was fairly busy, but not too bad. I found a very nice toaster oven to replace our old one, and gave it to Romeo as a "we" gift. Next year I will endeavor to make no uncertain terms that gifts are not necessary ~ unless I actually graduate....then we'll be looking for a car!


Two weeks and counting.......

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