December 1, 2017

Let the craziness begin.......

It's a Santa Fe Christmas

The holiday season has officially begun....our office is festively decorated, our radio station 99.5 is playing non-stop holiday music.  I'm not planning on putting up our big tree, I'm going to Michaels' or some other craft store and look for a tabletop size tree.  It's just Romeo and me after all.  No visitors are expected, so I don't want to do the whole thing ~ move furniture, haul out all the boxes of decor.  It'll be festive and simple.  I still have holiday baking to do as well, and the new Better Homes & Gardens came out with their page after page of cookie recipes...I've picked out two to try, and will do my own family favorites as well.  These will be doled out to friends, but I know we'll have a few for ourselves.  

Romeo & I have decided not to exchange gifts this year.  Instead, we're going to have a fabulous Christmas meal.  I'm thinking prime rib roast or similar.  I've never cooked one before, but it looks very simple.

I'll be fairly busy today, with a Dr's appt, hair appt, along with a racquetball tournament that starts this evening and will go on through the weekend.
It was nice to have such a long break from classes as our Prof. went to a conference (truthfully I think she and her family went to Chicago for a visit, I just can't imagine a conference being scheduled right before Thanksgiving).  We had two weeks off, which was great.  I turned in my essay yesterday, which I wasn't happy with, but oh well.  It's done.  Both my previous writing assignments were graded at 88.....she is tough on grading, but I didn't follow all the instructions on the second one (I just got so caught up in it that I forgot to expound on one of the issues she wanted us to discuss ~ stupid me).  I don't really care.  I have a 97 on the mid-term.  The final should be a similar type of exam and as long as I study I should do well.

However, she did remind us ~ she had also mentioned it on the first class day ~ our final is scheduled by someone else (?????), some kind of committee or something?  And it's on 12/12 beginning at 7:30 in the morning.  Holy shit, 7:30, are they serious?  So, although I was thinking our class would be done on the 7th, there will be one more day.  I will have to get going very early to make sure I'm there on time, as I'm never in the area at that time of the morning so I don't know how backed up traffic might get.

Big news!  Remember the girl I mentioned who had the dreads?  Well, on Tuesday I was surprised to notice that the dreads are gone.  Her hair is quite short (probably didn't have the patience to untangle them) and thick.  It looks so much better.  And she's speaking up in class more.  I speculate that she went home for Thanksgiving and her parents took her to a hair salon.  Or, maybe she did it before she went so that her folks wouldn't freak out.

Well, I must get started on the day.  Have a fabulous day!
Love, 365


  1. You know my husband and I don't exchange gifts and it seems to upset everyone. It makes me laugh that they are so invested. :-) We do normally buy a gift that we need or want for the house or us together. I don't need anything. I just want a lot. Isn't that the American way?
    I have a dog that will help you be up and out of the house in time for a 7:30a class if you'd like to borrow her.

    1. Lol, no thanks on the dog......we have one that gets us up around 5 to 5:30! I just hope my brain is engaged at that time of the morning. It's all very masochistic.

  2. Cindy and I wern't supposed to exchange gifts this year but the idea has failed miserably so far ha ha...maybe next year.

    I like the Santa Fe Christmas picture, I don't think I have seen a luminaria since we left Clovis eight years ago.

    1. Well, you know how it is.....every stucco wall or roofline has a line of luminarias. We normally put ours out on Christmas Eve, and then I spend the next few hours worrying the one or two of the bags will catch fire, haha.

  3. My partner is having a new bike for Christmas and I want a new computer, but we won't have them as gifts, and doubt we'll get them before Christmas anyway. We do have stockings from one another, and my older daughter would be very upset if she didn't have hers too. The older you get, the less you need.

    1. Agreed. Romeo never wants gifts for Christmas/Birthday/Anniversary. It's always a frustration for me, haha. This will be a relief.

  4. We haven't exchanged gifts for years now. We just have too much of everything as it is.

    1. True, true. Although sometimes Romeo just asks me when I get back from a shopping trip, "What did I get you?", which is a long story I'll write about sometime.


Two weeks and counting.......

  Happy Valentines Day! Apparently I have resting mad bird face, lol. They are so cute, but this is an accurate depiction of walking with Zo...