January 23, 2018

Working with Millennials......

(bing images)

I want to start by saying not all millennials are lazy self-absorbed assholes.  It's not responsible to describe a huge population of individuals that way because I do know some that are very focused and driven ~ are achievers.  I'm only going to complain about two that I work with. 

Both of these young women started out as dental assistants, which is a physically demanding job...then you have to work with the dentist, who can be challenging (and sometimes rather mean, although neither of the dentists I work for would be described that way ~ they are both wonderful guys that are incredibly tolerant).  One of them is now working on the business side of the desk, the other is still assisting.  

Not long ago we had to hire a new assistant, and she's doing very well.  But I heard through the grapevine that assist. #1 won't train her on anything....."because it's not my job".  First of all, I really hate that phrase.  Secondly, that leaves assist. #2 in a pretty poor spot that is way more stressful than it needs to be.  #1 should be showing her the ropes, making sure she understands what the doc wants when preparing for a patient.  "It's not my job" is a euphemism for "LAZY", in my opinion.  

The other woman now works up at the front desk with me.  I like her well enough.  However, I think that when a patient comes into the office (you can hear the ding! of the door when someone opens it) she should actually look up and greet them instead of looking at her phone because she knows I will do it.  Same goes for answering the phone.  It's quite maddening.  And here I thought I was "leading by example" but apparently millennials feel that they know everything and can't be bothered to compare their performance to anyone else's.

I hate to toot my own horn, but I try to always be busy.  If there's not much going on, I find something to do.  I wish that I could say that of my coworker.  I really really do.  Of course, I sometimes look at my phone too, but it's only for a moment or two, not for 20 minutes. 

Are we underpaid?  Yes.  Most offices pay on average more than we are making, which I know because I've worked in other offices.  But if that's your main beef, I think it's time to go look for a new job instead of making everyone else have to pick up your slack.  

Love, 365


  1. Teaching new people the ropes "Is you job!"

    When my son started hes first job my advise was "If there is nothing to do, pick up a broom and sweep something!"

    1. Exactly, right? My youngest is constantly complaining that his coworkers are slackers...I tell him to concentrate on what he's doing and let the chips fall where they may.....

  2. Excellent! The phrase, it's not my job is a cop out. Everyone works for the good of the whole. We have had 2 millenials and they are both gone. ONe said we required too much of his time. (35 hr week was killing him) And the other told me that he really doesn't need to make that much money because he lives with his parents so just cut my hours to 2 days a week. Ah, we need you full time. They both said and demonstrated just the opposite when interviewing. Crazy isn't it?

    1. Beginning to sound like for most millennials being one equals lazy. What happened to the work ethic?

  3. You hit the nail on the head my friend, I hate going into a business only to have the employee act as if they are too good to even acknowledge that you are there, but this is getting more and more common...

    It's not my job? In my opinion it's everybody's job to help a new employee fit in, especially if it's someone doing the same job as you. I think if employers started replacing those who are not doing their jobs, dragging their feet so someone else does it, and generally ignoring customers then this attitude may start changing.

    Perfect topic and an excellent post.

    1. My opinion is that our OM (office manager) is just as adverse to confrontation as the docs are. Lacks backbone. Doesn't realize how demoralizing it is. =sigh=

  4. There should be a rule about phones, too. WTF is she doing with her phone out??

    And why is she being allowed to get away with not doing a decent job? Who's in charge and why don't they know what's going on?

    1. Oh, they know. The OM's solution is to schedule a 1 1/2 hour meeting for the people in question. Which in my opinion will only make the people in question more resentful instead of producing change.

      No, I wouldn't accept the OM position if they handed it to me on a silver platter. The issues at hand have been going on so long you'd really need to fire them all and start over to solve the problems. :-(

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