October 12, 2018

Maybe I'm getting in over my head......

Foggy Texas morning....

My class is moving along.  I made a 99 on my exam which surprised me, although I figured I did well, that was higher than I anticipated.  I have a rather sizable assignment due on the 21st, and as you likely guessed, I have not started on anything but the mental preparation.  Which sadly doesn't amount to much.  Thinking, thinking.  If only I had an eidetic memory.  Although it's not great for those horrible memories that time inevitably glosses over.  Still, I might be willing to chance it, haha.

Work ~ going well, there are always those crazy moments where the road becomes a little bumpy. I was having a regular conversation with "Jessica" when she mentioned she will be taking her social security benefits at 62.  She then explained that by the time she is ready to retire, she will have a savings next egg of over 50,000.  She doesn't believe in "leaving money on the table", and I have to say that it made a lot of sense.  I have been thinking of doing the same.  Romeo and I will talk about it tomorrow when we go to the Harvest Festival tomorrow.  ****Actually, she would not have that much money in her nest egg.  I did a bit of research last night and I won't be jumping on her bandwagon ~ she is not considering how much of the benefit will be deducted based on her earnings.  

The view I have at my desk.....

From a few years ago....

The Balloon Fiesta is nearly over, which means traffic will be much more reasonable.  I'm not affected by it very much, but many of my co-workers are.  We've had good weather and the balloons flew all but one morning.  I didn't go ~ I wasn't really interested in getting up at 4am!  But it is nice having the view on my way to work, and for an hour or so in the morning.  

I am starting a different sort of class this coming Monday, one that will be ongoing for about 16 weeks.  Luckily I don't have to pay for this one.  I'll discuss it more as time goes on.  Right now I feel like keeping the details to myself. 

Well, I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Love, 365


  1. When we lived in Temecula California the balloon festival every year was one of the things I really looked forward to. So cool to see so many in the air at once.

    I have, on occasion, had to write for an assignment. The thinking process is ultimately what does my writing for me. I think and think. I dream about my ideas. There is a stream of ideas flowing underneath my subconscious mind all the time. Like a parfait, lol.

    So when I finally sit down to write (usually very close to a deadline) it's all there. With very little visible effort. It's weird, but it works for me. Don't overthink it, just let it happen. :)

  2. Well, I guess I don't quite make it to the parfait stage. But thinking about how I'm going to approach it, etc., does help.

    Overthinking it is my super power... ;)

  3. I would love to see this balloon festival in person.


Two weeks and counting.......

  Happy Valentines Day! Apparently I have resting mad bird face, lol. They are so cute, but this is an accurate depiction of walking with Zo...