October 27, 2018

Slog it out......

Los Poblanos ~ organic lavender

Slogging: working hard over a period of time; a spell of difficult, tiring work or travel......yeah, I wish I were traveling.  That sounds like a better slog than working, doesn't it?  I have been working on my exam study guide all day, and have a full day of it tomorrow as well.  Oh, wait, I signed up for this and actually paid for the privilege!  Well, I think I just lost my edge on this argument.....wah wah wah

While looking for crock pot recipes that don't suck, I stumbled on chicken and dumplings recipe on FB and it actually turned out great!  I made another batch so that we could freeze some for those evenings we don't feel like cooking, or are too busy to think about it.  Do you like to cook more than you need and freeze it for busy week days?  We do it all the time ~ currently we have the aforementioned chicken & dumplings and enchiladas.  Sure beats bringing home fast food for dinner.

Lets lighten this up, shall we?

Love, 365


  1. Saw one this week... 'how many people work at your company?'
    "About half of them."

    And in a job interview, "What is one of your weaknesses?"
    "I always tell the truth."
    "I don't consider that a weakness."
    "I don't give a shit what you think."

    1. Lol, and now we know why it's not considered a weakness :-D

  2. Love these. The interview reminds me of things Rick would tell me from his HR Days.
    And yes, we make pots of things or big casseroles etc to freeze. There is only two of us. ANd we are lazy. After work some days I just want a 1950's wife to make a meal appear, but both of us are tired. So we just made what I call a vat of this homemade soup we love. We do the same as you with the chicken and dumpling all the time. Does make life easier doesn't it?

    1. Yep, life is easier if you don't have to start from scratch every evening ~ how on earth I did that with 2 kids and working is a marvel I just can't figure out. Not that I didn't take advantage of fast food sometimes......


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