July 19, 2019


You guessed it.  Today it is 100 degrees outside.  Yesterday it was 98 or 99, or something like that.  It's supposed to be the same 100 tomorrow, and 98 on Sunday.  I am very thankful that I have a/c at home, I couldn't even imagine trying to stay cool in this heat (like in Chicago, wow) without air conditioning.  And I'm really only spending about 45 minutes to an hour in my suv every day.  And the first 15-20 minutes is in the morning when it's much cooler.  The other 25 to 40 minutes in it when it's really hot.  When you get in it's like getting into an oven, then opening the window is like a convection oven.  Lately I just want to cry, it's just so uncomfortable, but it's so hot the tears just evaporate before they hit my cheeks. 

I still don't have the $$ saved.  I was reading an article on when is the best time to buy ~ and it's the last day of December.  If you need it before that, they advise you buy on the last day of the quarter, which will be September.  Added bonus is the last day of September is a Monday, which is the "best" day of the week to buy (in addition to the other suggestions).  I have no reason to doubt it.  Hell, I haven't bought a vehicle in over 16 years!  I need to wait, but it's harder and harder to do it. 

Most of the U.S. population is under heat advisories and larger cities have opened up "cooling stations" and some fireman are going door to door to check on the elderly and very young in their neighborhoods.  It's pretty serious. 

No reason not to have a sense of humor though.....

By this time it's like being in a communal bath tub, right?


Well, I'm done whining about my 4 wheel drive oven for today.  :-)

Love, 365


  1. I remember as a kid the temp would hit 100 and we would be outside playing. We went in every 15 minutes for lemonade and or a Popsicle, plus we were kids.

    1. .....plus we were kids ~ I remember playing tether ball until I was beet red. It didn't bother me but my Mom would freak out. Adults have a little more common sense, haha.

  2. Hang in there. We have been lucky as it's only been in the 80s this week but it's going to jump into the 100s on Sunday.

    1. According to the weather channel app I have on my phone, Monday will be in the mid 80s. Today it's supposed to be 93, so looks like the heat wave is tapering off. Until the next one! Stay cool, Mr. Shife!

  3. When we had a car without Aircon the sweat would run down and sting my eyes. Talk about hazardous driving. Never mind that steering burnt your hands when you started up even though it had been covered.
    Save hard!!!!

    1. Yes, the steering wheel is incredibly hot, and it's easy to burn yourself putting on the seat belt when you accidentally touch the metal parts! Because our humidity levels are so low, the sweat actually dries with the exception of where there's fabric (waist, arm pits, other unmentionable areas). It truly is like being in an oven.


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